I am testing Witango 5.5.003 with Oterro 3.0

I am using a simple Search Action and I have a couple questions about the
following debug:

1) Why does Witango change the SQL and use '?' for the variable values and
then show them in BoundVals?

2) Any ideas about the syntax error?

[Query] [382] SELECT U1.UPWHint,U1.UEmail FROM User U1 WHERE (U1.UEmail=?
AND U1.UDisabled=?) 
[BoundVals] [382] [v1='fog'; v2='1'] 
[Error] [396] 2367 [RBTI][Oterro ODBC Driver][Sports]-ERROR- Syntax error
(2367) 42000


Steve Fogelson
Internet Commerce Solutions
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