Since you provide your own SQL in a DirectDBMS action, you are responsible for its quality, so like Gauthier suggests, use stored procedures/parametized queries.
Sri Amudhanar
Maxys Corporation
Authorized Witango Reseller
Authorized Pervasive, Cisco, HP, Thawte Reseller.

Roland Dumas wrote:
Re: Witango-Talk: Security question I’m slow here. Does this mean that if there is a SQL query in a DirectDBMS Action that it’s protected by this bind dust? Or just New Record and Update Actions?

On 9/22/04 11:34 AM, "Sri Amudhanar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

One of the lesser talked about features of Witango/Tango server architecture is the advantage of "actions", especially the database actions. According to what I have gleaned over the years (since I don't work for Pervasive or Witango, and I don't have access to the Server source code), the database action appears to "PREPARE" SQL and then "BIND" values to it on the fly, before actually executing the statement. This way quotes and other SQL breaking characters in the field values are prevented from breaking the query. If you attempt to assemble your own SQL query for use in Witango/Tango, PHP (which has no equivalent of a database action), or a Java application etc, SQL hacking is a serious problem that will need to be addressed. Witango/Tango <@BIND **> tags provide a great service here.
For one answer to the question,  create a TAF that is used for login, (i.e. searching on userid AND password) and enter the values for userid and password as  *';  (star + single-quote + semicolon). If you query breaks the program logic, you have a problem. If it doesn't, your system is innoculated against this kind of SQL injection attack, at least.
As they say, have fun!
Sri Amudhanar
Maxys Corporation



this issue is known as "SQL injection" problem, search on google for more

You should use stored proc (if available) or parametized queries, and also
rely on argument checking (B) to avoid completely this security issue.

Hope this helps.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Roland Dumas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2004 5:52 PM
Subject: Re: Witango-Talk: Security question


I want the SHORT answer, something like:

A.) If you use witango, a browser-sumitted piece of coding can't affect


database, witango, or a visitor who searches and gets the record with the
B.) Holy s**t!: You're an idiot of you doing have a layer in front of a
submit that searches and kills anything that looks like this.....
C.) It is theoretically possible to submit harmful code that might do

If someone put some SQL in a text field, for instance, what might happen


it down the line?

On a prior project, there was a unix head who thought he could break a
witango app by submitting all kinds of junk. He tried and tried and


He put in SQL, unix commands, and all kinds of noise, but all it did was
store it and show it back to him when he queried.  Is that my answer?

I don't need the general theoretical case of a theoretical app, but


as the app server and mysql as the dbms.

On 9/22/04 8:39 AM, "William M.Conlon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:


Must reading:

  Welcome to the OWASP Top Ten Project

The OWASP Top Ten provides a minimum standard for web application
security. The OWASP Top Ten represents a broad consensus about what the
most critical web application security flaws are. Project members
include a variety of security experts from around the world who have
shared their expertise to produce this list. There are currently
versions in English, French, Japanese, and Korean. A Spanish version is
in the works. We urge all companies to adopt the standard within their
organization and start the process of ensuring that their web
applications do not contain these flaws. Adopting the OWASP Top Ten is
perhaps the most effective first step towards changing the software
development culture within your organization into one that produces
secure code.

On Tuesday, September 21, 2004, at 11:43  PM, Ben Johansen wrote:


Hi Roland,

This is very unlikely; it is more likely that they would try to add sql
statements in the input field.

First of the data type constraints off the database field would
either prevent the saving of the offensive code and will most likely
truncate it.

Even if there is supposedly evil script saved in the data, when pulled
the database it is not being viewed in a manner that will execute it.

Plus, most firewalls and antivirus servers and client will block in the
unlikely event that the script is intact.

I have had this attempt happen to me, but the hacker didn't realize
that the
form didn't save to the database but was just emailed to me. I have
view the
code in Outlook without any issues.

Ben Johansen

-----Original Message-----
From: Roland Dumas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 8:15 PM
Subject: Witango-Talk: Security question

Have a client who is asking questions about security. Specifically, if
is a field that is entered via web form and then placed in a database,
there the possibility that evil scripts can be submitted that will do
things either to the database or to a user reading the content of that



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Roland Dumas
Roberts Information Services
310 W. Bellevue Avenue
San Mateo CA 94402
415-412-9300 (cell)

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