I am using the free version on a site that is non-profit. I cannot comment on the paid version of the program. I do know they are identical. The only option for support for non-licensed use is a forum they have set up. I haven't been there for a while, but last year when I needed some answers to some questions and issues I was having, it would typically take a week or two for a response. That is pretty slow!

Another thing that irked me is the fact that they used to have some template pages you could download which gave different examples on setting up returns, sorts and stuff like that. For some reason, they pulled those pages off their site but the links to them still remain. Not sure why this was done. Maybe they thought to many people were taking advantage of the free version and they needed more paying customers.



You are hearing that Witango is not a good tool for this task.

I spent a long time trying to build a search engine in Witango and finally gave up. I looked at Swish-e and tried installing the latest Perl and their program. I never got it to work on a Win2k server. Sorry, but the learning curve was too much for me in the time I had to get this together. I spent days on just the installation and configuration and finally gave up. (Sorry Bill, I know you love the program)

Understood. I had plenty of perl experience so configuring the spider wasn't a problem for me, but can see how someone else might have a problem with it. If you don't have your paths setup properly the learning curve can seem very steep.

I ended up using a program called Alkaline Search Engine which was very good for a novice like me. I had it up and running in about a half a day. Requirements for me was to have the ability to weight different aspects of the pages being indexed, control the URL list of what to crawl (how deep, by directory or URL), be able to control the time the robot crawls, the ability to set a threshhold of changed pages to crawl, the ability to return just one URL per site, sort by weight, date, alpha domain, highlite keywords, etc.

What was nice is no Perl and a html front end to watch crawls and stats. All I needed to learn was about 100 tags that are unique to their program.

A word of caution though, no support. They have a forum, but it sometimes takes weeks to get an answer.

Is this the product you're talking about?  http://alkaline.vestris.com/

When you say there is no support, are you refering to someone who isn't a licensed (paying) user of the product. Or is the support only slow for those that aren't paying?

Just my 2 cents.

Looking at swish-e, it's clear that it's a more powerful approach, but...

If I want to keep life simple and have everything running from witango -
even if I won't get all the swish-e bells and whistles, is there a better
approach? Or am I hearing that witango isn't really a good tool for this

On 10/19/04 8:15 AM, "Bill Conlon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Then, maybe spidering the forum content is the easiest way to do this.
 It will let you do free form searching.  The cgi script included with
 swish-e will highlight found terms, and let the user apply various

 The other thing is you don't have to worry about a SQL injection attack.

 On Tuesday, October 19, 2004, at 08:06  AM, Roland Dumas wrote:

 It's a search function for a forum. Dynamic popups won't work here,
 it's a search of subject and content, which would overwhelm a selection

 My thoughts were like this:

 User's Search string = first argument
 Search string parsed (by space and comma) and the articles tossed out.
 leaves an array of words within the first argument. The first argument
 the remaning substrings comprise all the OR conditions you want.

 Option 1:
 Generate SQL from a <@ROWS> that just appends a series of OR
 statements to
 the SELECT command.(easiest to do, but least secure)

 Option 2: Write a taf in XML, using the <@ROWS> to create a custom
 <Criteria> section in a temporary taf that is just the search action,
 then call that action with a branch/return. (typos will crash tango
 server -
 venturing into deep unknown)

 Option 3: Do a For loop for each of the substrings and glue all the
 resultsets together (slow and painful)

 Then, when you've got the amalgamated found set of records with whole
 or substrings, figure a way to bubble up to the top the whole strings
 items of greater value.

 On 10/19/04 7:13 AM, "Bill Conlon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Full text indexing can be expensive if your application does a lot of
 inserts/updates into columns that are indexed, but things like the
 winery/varietal shouldn't be a problem if you want to get it out of

 If it's a problem for your users, then maybe you can build a selection
 list from the available choices.  Or maybe you need something akin
 auto-complete:  run a javascript keyboard event handler that populates
 your input field based on the characters typed so far.

 On Tuesday, October 19, 2004, at 06:59  AM, John McGowan wrote:

Don't some newer databases have full text indexing now. (I believe

 >>>> MSSQL calls the feature "Full-Text Search")

 Wouldn't the best solution be to use a database that supports that
 type of searching?

 If this functionality isn't available to you in your DB then I would
 suggest you still use swish-e like Bill suggests...

 1. create a "dummy site" that will have a unique page for every
 in the table that you're looking for.
 2. when you hit main.taf it generates a link to each record in the
 table you care about

 (if you're familiar with witango this should take you about 5 minutes
 to accomplish)

 3. Tell swish-e to index the site by hitting the initial main.taf

 4. now when you want to do a full text search of the table, you call
 swish-e's searching functionality.  it will return a list of the
 matching entries.

 >>>>    www.mysite.com/dbindex/main.taf?id=cccccc

5. Of course at this point you know that if you strip out the "www.mysite.com/dbindex/main.taf?id=" You will have the part of the url that you care about, the aaaaa,bbbbb,ccccc which should be in a ranked order, and now you can do with that information whatever you want.

 6. Schedule the re running of step 3. at some interval that satisfies
 your need for accuracy vs. performance.

Of course this all assumes you're doing this for 1 particular table. However, if you had more than 1 table you could still do it all by adding a little more code to your main.taf and some more logic to the part that stripps the url to get the important part.


 Roland Dumas wrote:

 But, we're talking about a search of a database.

 On 10/18/04 5:59 PM, "Bill Conlon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


 You've heard this from me before on this list.  Take a look at
  You could use its built-in spider to index your site, and then use
 built-in cgi-script to highlight your results.  It's really a great
 piece of software.

 Now if you take the swish-e approach, here's what I would do to

 Dyanmically create metatags for the key parameters you want to

 <meta name="vineyard" content="Chateau Lafite, Chateau, Lafite">
 <meta name="varietal" content="Pinot Noir, Pinot, Noir">

 Use witango to tokenize while creating the HTML pages for the

 Then use swish-e's meta name search.

On Monday, October 18, 2004, at 05:39 PM, Roland Dumas wrote:

 In search engines, when you submit a search string, the search
 tokenizes and then searches for each substring string separately
 brings them together as your found set. So if I search for 1961
 Lafite, I'll get items with 1961, others with Chateau or Chateu
 Lafite, and
 on top will be the found records with 1961 Chateau Lafite (I know,
 put it in quotes, it forces it to find only the whole string. That
 part is

 They will also rank a find of the full set of terms above ones
 one or
 two terms in the documents.


 What's the approach with witango that will enable the search of

 Any ideas on how to do a crude ranking, such that the full term
 up on
 top of the found set?


 >>>>>>> __


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 Roland Dumas
 Roberts Information Services
 310 W. Bellevue Avenue
 San Mateo CA 94402
 415-412-9300 (cell)
 SMS: http://new.servqual.com/html/sms.tml

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 Roland Dumas
 Roberts Information Services
 310 W. Bellevue Avenue
 San Mateo CA 94402
 415-412-9300 (cell)
 SMS: http://new.servqual.com/html/sms.tml

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Roland Dumas
Roberts Information Services
310 W. Bellevue Avenue
San Mateo CA 94402
415-412-9300 (cell)
SMS: http://new.servqual.com/html/sms.tml

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