Hi Edmund and thanks again.

I feel that my knowledge about http header is week. I've tried your
example out (I think) but it ends up with showing either the HTML page
(only with push set at the result action) but the Excel data in the
browser or
Not showing the HTML page (no push in result action) but Excel data
downloaded ok.

As I understand the javascript sends the first HTTP request (if push is
activated) and the 
Excel request sends the other one but it ends up in the browser.
There is no <@PUSH> metatag to use inside the HTML page, only to the
result action.

I keep on trying, will not give up so easily, thanks for you help. 


-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: Edmund Edgar (mailing list account) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Skickat: den 20 december 2004 11:50
Ämne: Re: SV: Witango-Talk: Showing progress bar before opening
resultset in Excel

Hi Bengt.

Maybe I've misunderstood your problem, but, let me rephrase.

You can't output an HTML page (which you need to show the progress bar)
the same HTTP request that you use to output the downloadable Excel

You need two request/responses.

This is a limitation of the way HTTP requests/responses work, not a  
limitation of Tango. One request has one and only one response, and one

response has one and only one header type, content-disposition, etc. (As

far as I can imagine...)

So you need to make the browser send you another HTTP request.

There are lots of ways you might do this, but the scenario I suggested
like this:

- The first response prepares the data, shows the progress bar and makes
second request. (Probably a Javascript redirect)
- The second response sends the Excel headers and the Excel data to the


These can both be in the same taf.

For example, at the beginning of your taf you might put in something
* Warning: Undebugged, and it's a while since I wrote Tango stuff...

<@IF "@@user$downloadIsPrepared">

                Your original code...

        <@ASSIGN local$DebugMode "ForceOff">
        <@ASSIGN local$FileExtension ".xls">
        <@ASSIGN local$FileName value="Labsvar">
        <@ASSIGN local$Tab '<@CHAR CODE="9">'>
        <@ASSIGN local$httpHeader 'HTTP/1.1 <@HTTPSTATUSCODE>
        application/vnd.ms-excel<@CRLF>Content-Disposition: attachment;
        filename=<@VAR local$FileName><@VAR
        http://<@CGIPARAM SERVER_NAME>/<@VAR local$FileName><@VAR
        <@ASSIGN local$encodeResults FALSE>
        </@EXCLUDE><@PURGERESULTS><@var user$exceldata encoding="none">

                Clean up the user variables

        <@ASSIGN user$downloadIsDone "0">
        <@ASSIGN user$excelData "">

        // Go to the rest of your taf, which will include things like
                        <title>Loading your data</title>
                        <script language="JavaScript">
                                function submitToSelf() {
                <body onload="submitToSelf();">
                        Write a page with the start of your progress
                        Get some data   
                        Write some more of the progress bar
                        (I'm not sure how you're doing this without
making lots of trips  
backwards and forwards between client and server, but let's assume
got it figured out...)
                        Get some more data and assign it to a user
                        <@ASSIGN user$downloadIsPrepared 1>
                        <@ASSIGN user$excelData
                        Finish writing the progress bar
                        Put in a link for people without Javascript
                                <a href="<@APPFILE>?<@CGIPARAM
NAME="HTTP_SEARCH_ARGS">">Click here to  

Or am I missing your point?


On Mon, 20 Dec 2004 10:02:49 +0100, Bengt Bredin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


> Hi Edmund !
> Thanks for your reply but I can't get hold of it anyway.
> I can't get the normal HTML page in Request 1 to show without <PUSH>
> because I use
> branch to reconnect to Request 2 and Witango execute all components
> start to the end (Request 1 and 2). And <PUSH> makes my Excel HTTP
> header not to work in Request 2, it ends up in the browser.
> Can I redirect any other way or what am I missing ?
> /Bengt
> -----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
> Från: Edmund Edgar (mailing list account) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Skickat: den 20 december 2004 00:39
> Ämne: Re: Witango-Talk: Showing progress bar before opening resultset
> Excel
> Hi Bengt.
> When you send the HTML to show the progress bar and <PUSH> it out to
> browser, your application server sends the browser a bunch of HTTP
> headers
> to tell it to show your content as a normal HTML page.
> If you want to show both an HTML page (for show a progress bar) and an
> Excel page (for the data), you'll have to send the browser two pages,
> with
> two distinct HTTP requests.
> For example, you could do it like this:
> Request 1 will:
>     - Send some normal HTML page HTTP headers.
>     - Do the calculations.
>     - Write the progress bar.
>     - Save the results of the calculations in a USER-scope variable.
>     - Set another USER-scope variable to say it's finished (in case
> script got stopped halfway through).
>     - Redirect to the user to Page 2.
> Request 2 will:
>     - Check if the calculations have been finished. (You set a
> USER-scope
> variable to let you check that in Request 1)
>     - Send the Excel HTTP headers.
>     - Send the results of the calculations from your other USER-scope
> variable. (You saved them in request 1.)
>     - Clear the USER variables.
> Edmund
> On Sun, 19 Dec 2004 16:13:27 +0100, Bengt Bredin
> wrote:
>> Hi all !
>> I have a working app that do sql searches, calculations and then
> present
>> the resultset in Excel.
>> I'm trying to insert a progress bar to the browser while the search
> and
>> calculation works.
>> I insert a pushed result action before the sql and calc parts and it
>> shows in the browser ok
>> but when the sql and calc are finished the result now only shows in
> the
>> browser and not to Excel.
>> If it's not possible to use push, how can I create a progress bar
> before
>> presenting the resultset to Excel ?
>> The http header looks like this:
>> <@ASSIGN local$DebugMode "ForceOff">
>> <@ASSIGN local$FileExtension ".xls">
>> <@ASSIGN local$FileName value="Labsvar">
>> <@ASSIGN local$Tab '<@CHAR CODE="9">'>
>> <@ASSIGN local$httpHeader 'HTTP/1.1 <@HTTPSTATUSCODE>
>> <@HTTPREASONPHRASE><@CRLF>Content-type:
>> application/vnd.ms-excel<@CRLF>Content-Disposition: attachment;
>> filename=<@VAR local$FileName><@VAR
> local$FileExtension><@CRLF>Location:
>> http://<@CGIPARAM SERVER_NAME>/<@VAR local$FileName><@VAR
>> local$FileExtension><@CRLF><@CRLF>'>
>> <@ASSIGN local$encodeResults FALSE>
>> </@EXCLUDE><@PURGERESULTS><@var request$exceldata encoding="none">
>> Hope anyone can guide me on this one.
>> /Bengt
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