Title: RE: Witango-Talk: Value list Weeks and Dates dynamic

Hi Dan,

This snippet should do what you want:

<@assign local$lastSunday <@days date=<@currentDate> days=<@calc expr="-<@currentDate format='datetime:%w'>">>>

<@for stop=52>

   <@assign local$nextWeek <@days date="@@local$lastSunday" days=<@calc expr='<@currow>*7'>>>

   <option value="<@var local$nextWeek format='datetime:%U'>">@@local$nextWeek</option>


Watch out for the line wrapping in all the wrong places.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Stein [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 2004 3:39 PM
Subject: Witango-Talk: Value list Weeks and Dates dynamic

I need to create a list for a drop down that shows the date a week begins

and has a value of the week of the year.

It needs to take the current week and  show the next 52 weeks.

I'd like to load the information once a day from my file that loads my other

lists and stores them in a custom scope.

So what would the <@FOR> loop look like that would return these values.

Ex. I need to to show

<Option Value=52>12/26/2004

<Option Value=1>1/2/2005




Dan Stein

FileMaker 7 Certified Developer

Digital Software Solutions

799 Evergreen Circle

Telford PA 18969

Land: 215-799-0192

Cell: 610-256-2843

Fax 413-410-9682

FMP, WiTango, EDI,SQL 2000, MySQL, CWP



    "When you are born, you cry and those who love you rejoice.  And if you

live your life as you should, when you die, you rejoice and those who

love you cry."


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