I'm looking for ideas on how to better construct my HTML output, especially the <head> elements, since some items in the <head>, like title and metatags, are dependent on the results.

Currently mycontrol flow is

* presentation action with <html><head>...</head><body> top and side navigation
* other actions with results
* presentation action with bottom nav, copyright, </body></html>

One way of addressing this is to change the appfile flow to have the actionresults precede the presentation, setting up any variables to be used in the <head>. Then
<@ASSIGN SCOPE="request" name="myresults" value="@@request$resultsHTML">
<@ASSIGN scope="request" name="mytitle "value="this action&quote;s title">
* presentation action with <html><head>...</head><body> top and side navigation
* @@request$myresults
* presentation action with bottom nav, copyright, </body></html>

Does anyone have any thoughts on this approach?

I think a nice feature would allow us to specify a request scope variable into which the HTML results are accumulated. This would avoid the two steps of copying the resultsHTML, thereby reducing server load.

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