Hey guys and gals,

A very old thread on the mysterious Witango file corruption that has never been resolved is on the forums here if you search for "wierd" in the subject line. It happens to me every year or so. A taf file that has been working normally will suddenly up and crash everytime it is accessed bringing the server down. It has happened to me once since 10/01/03 and several times before that. No reason. No specific taf. Just a simple search gone bad. Others have seen this too. Could be the same thing. The only fix I have been able to find is to rebuild the taf from scratch. Copying the searches and results into a new taf file does not work. It need to be rebuilt from scratch...

The following is the last post on this dated 10/01/03.  Here is an excerpt...

Tango 2000
All packs and critical updates

This is a very old thread, but I said I would post it again if it
happened. You will notice that the last time this happened was on
December 17, 2002. It seems to average about once every 6 to 8
months, however, this time it did not happen for almost 10 months. I
tried getting some more info.....

I found the offending taf and had to rewrite it from scratch. It
obviously was corrupt for some reason. I wrote the new taf EXACTLY
like the old. Same if structure, same code, same searches and same db
connects. Works fine now. This is driving me batty.

Can anybody shed some light as to what is going on? Is it possible
for a Application error to actually corrupt a taf file? Anyone else
ever see this happen before?

Next time something like this happens, I will post on this thread
with any insight as to why. It might be a few months.
I have. I've had to start a new application file and drag the entire tree
from the old app to fix it. Beats rewriting.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Web Dude
Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 2:42 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list witango-talk
Subject: Re: Witango-Talk: Weird

Well it seems to be working, but I am not sure why. Maybe one of the
records I deleted was corrupt. But I must say that during the past
year, I have had taf files suddenly stop working and go corrupt for
no reason that I can fathom. When run they will take up 100% of the
CPU and bring both the Watango server and the SQL 7 server down (both
machines). The only way to fix is to rewrite the taf from scratch
again. This has happened to me 3 times now. I come in the morning and
both machines are running extremely slow. I can go through the
Witango log files and find the entries that KILL the process. That
shows me which taf is screwing up. Next I go and redo the taf file
from scratch and everything works fine. Very random and 2 of these
tafs have not been touched for at least a year. It drives me nuts,
but it is fixable.

Anyone else have anything like this???

Got the time of each crash and checked against web server log (since witango log was hosed)
the discrepancies timewise were at most 2 seconds.

How did you trace it to one file? We've been trying to find any pattern in the crashes, and have so far been completely baffled.

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