I think he meant, or should have meant:

<@PAD CHAR="<@char code='32'>" NUMCHARS="15" encoding=none>

How are you saving the html as a text file? If you build a VAR with text in it, you can output as results with a custom http header, with a text mime type.


Robert Garcia
President - BigHead Technology
VP Application Development - eventpix.com
13653 West Park Dr
Magalia, Ca 95954
ph: 530.645.4040 x222 fax: 530.645.4040
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On Dec 3, 2005, at 11:51 AM, Quicknote wrote:

Hi William

<@PAD CHAR="32" NUMCHARS="15" encoding=none>
pads with the "3" PAD only reads the first character.
I have also tried &#160; same problem

The <@CRLF> is not working either when I asve the HTML as a txt file.
I will keep looking thanks Janet

-----Original Message-----
From: William M Conlon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, December 03, 2005 1:02 PM
To: witango-talk@witango.com
Subject: Re: Witango-Talk: Space, for text document

Had to dig out my PDP-9 programmers reference for the ASCII code list.

Try <@PAD CHAR="32" NUMCHARS="15" encoding=none>

On Dec 3, 2005, at 9:19 AM, Quicknote wrote:

I use this meta tag  <@CRLF>  to make a new line in a text doc.

I need to generate a text doc from a HTML page and the spaces have
to be

Is there a similiar TAG?

I can do this
<@PAD CHAR="<@CRLF>" NUMCHARS="15" encoding=none>

I need to do this
<@PAD CHAR="<@space>" NUMCHARS="15" encoding=none>
This does not work
<@PAD CHAR="&nbsp;" NUMCHARS="15" encoding=none>

Thanks Again Janet

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William M. Conlon, P.E., Ph.D.
To the Point
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    fax:  650.329.8335
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    web:  http://www.tothept.com

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