Hi Smitty,

I think that we are all already aware of the challenges of working with
a not well-known product. Each one of us just has to decide if it is worth
the difficulties.  In my case, I have only lost a few projects due to
my use of Witango. Mostly, it hasn't been a problem for me, so it's an
easy trade-off.  I am willing to lose a few projects in exchange for working
with a wonderful product. It has even made me more competitive since
I can develop so much quicker. My plate is generally quite full, so I'm happy.

My original concern was with the survivability of the product. I'm less concerned
about that now.


At 02:57 PM 12/15/2005, you wrote:
I've been a huge Tango supporter since 1997 when it was Pervasive. For Years WebsmithSoftware was committed to the Tango platform, to the peril of the business. I guarantee that had I adopted a more mainstream dev platform then WebSmith Software would have been much more successful in generating sales. The fact is that Witango is virtually an unknown, developers are hard to come by and clients who want the ability to take control of their app once built are not quick to embrace this technology.
When the taf's went from the compiled code to XML I was able to position it as an XML app at heart.....A buzz word that was new then.....Now everything is XML based in some way.

WebSmith Software has been moving all our existing code lines from Witango to PHP and Mysql and All new apps developed in 2006 will be PHP MySql. What else can I say....except that Witango is is an excellent IDE, easy to learn, impossible to sell. To prove prove that WebSmithSoftware's sales of new projects for q1 of 06 are Higher then ever before and this is directly related to the fact that I'm now able to sell our solutions instead of trying to sell the platform and never getting to the solution.


Database WebWorks: Dynamic web sites through database integration

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