Rick, I wasn't picking on you or the label tag. But the "pure HTML" comment
got to me. <grin />

I see code here from various sources flying around without the attributes
quoted (and/or without the attribute value) and mixtures of upper and lower
case tags. Let's not even get into the open tags without a close tag or as
an empty tag and deprecated elements and attributes!

I work in a text editor not a WYSIWYG. But I still take the time to make the
code a little cleaner and more 'new school'. The old browsers may ignore the
"extra" stuff (<br />), but the new browsers may choke without it.

I try to make the HTML (as in standard 4.01) more clean (regardless of using
any XHTML stuff). It's easier to read and find mistakes or to find what the
browser doesn't like.

Just my 3 cents, I've only been HTMLing since Netscape 1.1. :D

On 05/12/2006 9:16 AM, "Rick Sanders" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in whole
or in part:

> Beverly,
> Please see my other post. I DO use the label tag on most forms. However, I
> have also experienced problems with older browsers, certain toolbars,
> spyware, and Norton Internet security that has caused problems with the
> label tag, thus not having the form buttons display properly, and causing
> problems with autocomplete etc.
> Rick 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Beverly Voth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, May 12, 2006 10:12 AM
> To: WiTango-talk
> Subject: Re: Witango-Talk: Radio button issue IE vs. Firefox
> On 05/11/2006 11:04 PM, "Scott Cadillac" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in whole
> or in part:
>>> Call me old-school, but removing the label and trailing / at
>>> the end and
>>> sticking with pure HTML is the best fool-proof way!
>> Correct use of <label> is the key.
>> This is one of my pet peeves of websites, when programmers don't use this
> very
>> helpful (standard HTML) tag.
>> Disclaimer: My intranet-only laden comment is not directed at anyone in
>> particular.
>> But come on folks, you have to admit <label> is one hell of a useful
> feature,
>> eh?
> So is using correct xhtml. I'm not against anyone either, but come on folks
> get with the new school, it's not that hard. :D
> Beverly

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