

You have the syntax correct: here is one I am using right now


<script type="text/_javascript_" src="">"<@appfilepath>js/ex1.js"></script>


I am not sure what your issue is?


Shane Pearlman



From: Dan Stein [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 02, 2006 8:41 AM
To: witango-talk@witango.com
Subject: Witango-Talk: _javascript_ include in Witango


I need to get these two _javascript_ files called from inside my Witango results page


<script type="text/_javascript_" src="">"declarations.js"></script>

<script type="text/_javascript_" src="">"epoch_classes.js"></script>


Especially the classes file I can’t add that to my witango itself.


So what is the proper syntax.


I tried <@appfilepath> and that does not work either

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