Title: Using a "For" Loop...
Hi all,

I think it’s safe to say that I’m the village idiot here, but I am learning bits and pieces here and there. We’re having some issues getting out Tango server to talk to the .NET server used in our client. Each time we try to pass the XML values, the error generated by their server using Detailed Response is “Content-Length: Length Required”. As this is pretty much the only error we are receiving, their support team suggested we hit their .NET machine until we get a response. The Content-Length, as you all know is in the header of a SOAP document and we trying to figure out what number it is that it’s looking for. I am counting the number of characters in the body of the XML and it doesn’t seem to be accepting it. If one character is 1 byte, the length of the document should reflect the number of characters.

Is there an easy way to do this? Both the senior guy here and I thought of doing a ‘For’ loop where we could check the Detailed Response from their server, see if it is spitting out that error, and if it is to reestablish  the server connection, send all the variables again (in SOAP/XML format) until this is no longer an issue. Once it DOES go through, we would assign that particular number to a variable and print it out.

Anyone done this before? Is there a completely different way to do this? Your guidance is very much appreciated.


Kaustav Acharya
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