Kaustav, that is about the worst idea I ever heard.

Fortunately, you're not to blame for the inadequacies of the system, or who you 
work for. 

The trick is to put the content-length in the USERAGENT attribute of the <@URL> 
call, sort of 
like so:

STR="<@VAR request$aiiDOM>">'

You can add all sorts of extra HTTP header properties to send via the USERAGENT 
attribute, as 
long as each is separated by a <@CRLF>. This includes your SoapAction property.

Hope that helps.

Scott Cadillac,
Xmlx Software

(403) 254-5002 

P.O. Box 69006
RPO Bridlewood SW
Calgary, Alberta
Canada T2Y 4T9

-----Original Message-----
From: Kaustav Acharya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "witango-talk@witango.com" <witango-talk@witango.com>
Date: Mon, 02 Oct 2006 11:39:02 -0700
Subject: Witango-Talk: Can the <@URL> be assigned to a variable?

> Hi all, 
> If the question makes little sense, it¹s because I¹m still figuring out
> why
> their server spits back ³Content-Length:Required² every time we post to
> their server. The value is being assigned and everything looks fine,
> but
> it¹s chocking on that bit.
> My boss figured it would be a good idea to basically write a loop and
> keep
> hitting the vendors server until it accepts it, and basically write out
> to a
> file/email what it contained. I know that the best way to figure out
> what¹s
> going on in the posting of information is to set the Detailed-Response
> to
> Œtrue¹. If that indeed is the case, then is it possible to store the
> contents of the Œdetailedresponse¹ into a variable? Then I was going to
> basically run a pattern search in that variable to see if it said
> anywhere
> ³Content-Length:Required² and have it continue until it doesn¹t any
> more.
> Is this is a good way to do it? Please let me know!
> Thanks!
> Kaustav
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