Hi Gene,

We have encountered this issue as well. You can use the UNC name like Bill
said, however depending on how your servers are set up, and depending on the
firewall security, sometimes resolving the UNC name can be slow. We use the
machine IP address.


Another good idea is to hide your shared drives by putting a $ after the
drive name when you share it. This way it will be invisible on the network
and can only be accessed when mapped or typed in manually.

Good luck!
Rick Sanders 

-----Original Message-----
From: Wolf, Gene [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 06, 2006 9:20 AM
To: witango-talk@witango.com
Subject: Witango-Talk: File Builder

OK, I'm stumped. We have set up another Witango Server (Windows) in
addition to the one we have been running and everything seemed to work
fine. The second box was receiving and processing requests, response
time looked like it had improved, etc. Great! However, we create a good
number of reports in PDF format and write them to a directory.  We use
this in our paperless shipping systems, etc.

Now comes the problem. In the File builder we specify a specific
directory, for example, 

D:/ETDocs/<@Var Local$Docname>

Now, depending on which server this executes on, it seems to me this
file would be written to different machines. If a person came back later
and tried to look at that document they may, or may not, get the machine
that this document is located on and not be able to see the file.

Now, I suppose we could map drive letters on every server to point to
the same place and make sure all of the drive letters are the same on
every server but this seem inelegant. Has anyone run into this before
and how did you work around it?

Thanks for your help.
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