Hi All!

I have an application I am working on. There is one part of the application, where on one page I would like to have four sections. When the page first opens, I would like to show the section headers. To the left of each section header, an icon, that when you click it, the information under that header shows up, to view read only. 

At the bottom of this information that is now showing, I would like a button like Apple's Address Book, that when you click it the information changes from read only to  editable. When you click it again, it saves the information and the display of the information goes back to read only. 

So is this a DHTML thing? Or is this an AJAX thing? I have purchased and read half of O'Reilly's book on Ajax Hacks. I understand these principles, however, as many of you, it really helps to see a simple sample of something like ajax working with Witango to get me started. 

My request then is 

1) advice as to how to open up each section to view the information under the header? 
2) How to change that read only information to editable? DHTML, Ajax, or something simpler ?
3) If it takes Ajax, can someone share a simple sample? I understand there are libraries I can download from the web, that make Ajax calls easier. I understand that CSS, _javascript_, DOM, are all part of the deal. I have been doing some reading on it. But I am sure this is something that is quite a bit deeper than I have tried before. I am ok with trying. I usually can make something work, IF I have a sample to get me started, if that is not too much to ask. 
4) finally, am I just barking up the wrong tree in wanting this functionality as I describe it? Am I better off just keeping it simple and just biting the bullet and refresh the page each time I select something? 

I know that I can click on the icon for each section, thereby setting a variable and with that variable set, go get information for that section, that will show when the page is refreshed for instance. I have thought that through and feel I could do that. I am just wondering if there is a nicer way, that doesn't require a page refresh from scratch that I haven't heard of yet? I can think of ways to do most everything I am asking about, with current technology. At the same time. I thought this would be a nice project to perhaps learn some new stuff on. 

Thanks for your kind advice.


Mark Weiss

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