Hi Ronald, 

Are you wanting to keep the response for future use? If not then you can
just ahead and set the attribute 'WAITFORRESULT' to false, that should do
the trick.

Here's the excerpt from the guide:

When the POSTARGS or POSTARGARRAY attribute is present, the type of HTTP
request issued by the <@URL> meta tag changes to POST from GET.

Sometimes, you use the <@URL> tag to trigger processing of a task but you do
not care about the result. In this situation, performance of a Witango
application is improved if Witango Server does not have to wait for the
result of the HTTP request. The optional WAITFORRESULT attribute is used to
indicate whether Witango Server waits for the results of the HTTP request.
Possible values are true and false. The default is true. If the
WAITFORRESULT attribute is set to false, <@URL> does not return a value.

The optional attribute MAXRESULTSIZE allows a size limitation to be placed
on the results received from the <@URL> target server. The default value for
this attribute is 64K, the minimum value may vary but can be as small as 512

Note Even though the allocated buffer will be released after the results
have been processed, specifying large sizes for the MAXRESULTSIZE attribute
may disrupt the server's operations by consuming large amounts of memory.
Caution should be exercised when MAXRESULTSIZE is set to large values (tens
of megabytes).

The optional DETAILEDRESPONSE attribute is used to indicate the type of
response returned by <@URL>. Possible values are true and false. The default
is true. If this attribute is set to false, <@URL> returns the HTML content
resulting from the HTTP request; if this attribute is set to true, <@URL>
returns an XML document containing the information resulting from the HTTP
request.The format of this document is shown in the example below.

On 6/1/07 12:12 PM, "Roland Dumas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It's been a while since I used @URL and I've forgotten how to capture
> the returned data in a variable and prevent it from going directly to
> the client.  Anyone know?
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