I don't see what the big deal is about moderating. My forum has 6 moderators 
and we seem to do just fine. And trust me, I think the likelyhood of an errant 
post from a bunch of beer-swilling fishermen is much more likely then from 
Witango developers.

As for the search engine stuff, I have been into SEO and web marketing for many 
years, as some of you know, and if there is any help I can do from that end, I 
would be more then happy to put in my 2 cents. It would be nice to get Witango 
a fighting chance against some of the big boys. If any of you would like 
examples of SEO and some of my sites, please email me off the list and I will 
send them to you. I have always said the proof is in the pudding. 

I think there are some definite advantages to be had by placing the ball in our 
court instead of relying on a single entitiy to provide the push. A lot of 
people have complained in the past, my self included, on the marketing and 
worth of this product. Well folks, maybe it's about time we put together our 
collective heads and do something about it. What better group to do this then 
the devlopers who actually use and know the worth of the product? It is much 
easier to sell something that you believe in then to sell a widget you know 
nothing about. Some of the past users just oozed with enthusiasm over the 
product, and that enthusiasm was evident in there posts. We need to capture 
that enthusiasm and reflect it into, hopefully, a growing community of users. 

Wouldn't it be nice to get excited about something again?


-----Original message-----
From: Robert Garcia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2008 00:07:01 -0600
To: witango-talk@witango.com
Subject: Re: Witango-Talk: Suggestion

> It won't be a witango site. It would be a small community of  
> developers. Witango, or whatever. Ben has volunteered to moderate, I  
> would help, and I am sure there will be other volunteers. I am also  
> going to put code in a subversion repository. For instance, I just  
> wrote some very cool code, class based for dynamic content caching in  
> witango. We still have one very big client where php is not scheduled  
> until around the summer.
> -- 
> Robert Garcia
> President - BigHead Technology
> VP Application Development - eventpix.com
> 13653 West Park Dr
> Magalia, Ca 95954
> ph: 530.645.4040 x222 fax: 530.645.4040
> http://bighead.net/ - http://eventpix.com/
> On Feb 22, 2008, at 6:30 PM, Rick Sanders wrote:
> > Hello Robert,
> >
> > I can remember actually doing this idea about 7 years ago. I had a  
> > complete
> > WiTango site with a message board and a component zone. The idea was  
> > great
> > in the beginning, then it fizzled away.
> >
> > You'd also have to get authorization from With Enterprises to do a  
> > site like
> > this using the WiTango name. Otherwise it'll be an unauthorized  
> > WiTango site
> > and discredited by With. Daniel Richardy in Germany had a similar  
> > setup, but
> > all that went by the wayside when With canned the distributors.
> >
> > I feel that a message board should have been one of the first things  
> > that
> > With did when they took over the product. Put it on a different  
> > domain, and
> > it would also boost search engine ranking.
> >
> > The other problem is moderation. With would want to moderate your  
> > board, or
> > someone approved by them would moderate it. Believe it or not, there  
> > would
> > be certain things that you couldn't say about the product without  
> > With's
> > consent.
> >
> > Personally, I don't think they had the resources available to  
> > moderate such
> > a board, and the WiTango talk list is much easier to control, and  
> > there's no
> > risk of bots and hacks. The board would have to be monitored  
> > constantly, and
> > this alone would be a full time job.
> >
> > In all honesty, I think it's a little late to be putting up a board.
> >
> > Rick
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Robert Garcia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: February-22-08 6:33 PM
> > To: witango-talk@witango.com
> > Subject: Witango-Talk: Suggestion
> >
> > I think this has been bought up before, but I will bring up again.
> > Looking at Bill's request, made me want to suggest. Technically
> > feature requests are supposed to go to the witango site, but I think
> > we all feel like nothing happens to them, this isn't a b*tch session,
> > so we will leave it at that. So we post here, and everyone reads them,
> > and we hope by more responses witango may see and make more of a
> > priority, but the nature of the list, they also end up in oblivion.
> >
> > There there was the other night, ben and I were building a cache
> > system, and were looking at serverstatus memory values, and they don't
> > seem right. We both remembered this being discussed on the list
> > sometime ago, but who knows when, and the witango list search works
> > most of the time, but not all, and cumbersome.
> >
> > This list has become a great and manageable (not to big) community of
> > developers that help each other out, and I enjoy it, as you all
> > probably do too.
> >
> > There has been talk of building a more bulletin board like community,
> > but who is going to write it, and is it going to be as good as
> > something like VBulletin?
> >
> > I would be willing to donate a vbulletin license, and put it on my
> > server farm. We could have sections, and stickys for important stuff.
> > You can subscribe to a thread you want, ignore others, attache sample
> > files, click "NEW POSTS" and just see new posts since your last visit,
> > send private messages, the list is endless. VBulletin is my favorite,
> > from using it with other communities.
> >
> > I would also like to have OFF TOPIC section, and sections for porting
> > code to and from other technologies, like .net, php, and coldfusion. I
> > don't have any problem NOT being the sole admin, and would be happy to
> > let others do that. More neutral people like Scott would be a good
> > choice.
> >
> > Let me know what you think, this mail list thing is not the best
> > method. Just think, instant search, threads on important aspects of
> > witango, code porting help to and from, stickys of stuff that get
> > asked all the time.
> >
> > Let me know what you think.
> >
> > -- 
> >
> > Robert Garcia
> > President - BigHead Technology
> > VP Application Development - eventpix.com
> > 13653 West Park Dr
> > Magalia, Ca 95954
> > ph: 530.645.4040 x222 fax: 530.645.4040
> > http://bighead.net/ - http://eventpix.com/
> > ________________________________________________________________________
> > TO UNSUBSCRIBE: Go to http://www.witango.com/developer/maillist.taf
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ________________________________________________________________________
> > TO UNSUBSCRIBE: Go to http://www.witango.com/developer/maillist.taf
> >
> ________________________________________________________________________
> TO UNSUBSCRIBE: Go to http://www.witango.com/developer/maillist.taf
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