No Problem, Bill. I appreciate what you bring to the list very much. I aspire someday to be a proficient as you and many here.


On Mar 25, 2008, at 12:02 AM, William Conlon wrote:

Hi Mark,

As you've seen, the css list is remarkable for its generosity.

Didn't mean to be mean.  Sorry.

On Mar 24, 2008, at 11:46 PM, David Mark Weiss wrote:


Thanks for the reply. Your right. It is off topic on this list. I posted this question earlier this evening on the CSS list. I was anxious and hoped to get a response so I could get this done. And I haven't rec'd a response yet from that list because I switched to digest. So sorry if it was an irritation. It was due to my impatience and wanting to get on with the project.

I did join that list, when you suggested it. I have hundreds of entries in my email about CSS and read them frequently. They have solved a lot of problems, So I thank you for that suggestion months ago, as you say. This one just stumped me. And I was anxious. I suppose you have experienced that too at one point or another.

Anyway, I have been continuing to hack away, and may have found something that works. In fact it does. I If I can't figure it out, I will post again to the CSS List.

Take Care,


PS. FYI, though not nearly as accomplished as yourself and others on this or any list, rest assured, that before I "punt" to anyone, I spend a fair share of time, trying to get it done on my own. I have been using Witango since the beginning. Was one of the beta testers. How many years is that? I have hundreds of taf's to my credit, and written very complex business systems. Some might have written them more elegantly, to be sure. But several businesses doing millions of dollars of business have depended for years on what I wrote, with the help of several lists. I might add, all that time, I have attempted to respect others and done my part to ask only after trying myself. Is that fair? I am human though.

On Mar 24, 2008, at 10:56 PM, William Conlon wrote:

This is really off topic, and back in November I suggested you join the css-discuss list ( listinfo/css-d ) I haven't seen you post there, yet. When you do, please provide a link to a page that illustrates the problem, so people can actually see tit and inspect the CSS.

Please validate your HTML and CSS before posting.

And yes, there is a "clear" style.


On Mar 24, 2008, at 10:00 PM, David Mark Weiss wrote:

I have worked a while today trying to solve a problem.

I have some CSS, where you can expend detail below a line.

Triangle normal - description here
Triangle normal - description here
Triangle normal - description here
Triangle normal - description here

You hit the triangle and the detail shows up below

Triange down - Description
  Detail detail detail detail
  detail detail detail detail
Triangle normal - description here
Triangle normal - description here
Triangle normal - description here

The problem I am having is that when I open the detail, instead of the triangles below the line lining up, as I show here:

1-Triange down - Description
  Detail detail detail detail
  detail detail detail detail
2-Triangle normal - description here
3-Triangle normal - description here
4-Triangle normal - description here

They look like this

1- Triange down - Description
  Detail detail detail detail
detail detail detail detail 2-Triangle normal - description here 3-Triangle normal - description here 4-Triangle normal - description here

Here is the code:

<ul class="open">
<li id="item1"><a onclick="toggle('item1');"><img src="closed.gif" alt="" id="img_item1" border="0"></a>Item 1
                <ul id="ul_item1" class="closed">
                        <li id="item1_1">

<div style="float:left;width: 400px;height:200px;text-align: left;border:1px solid #ccc;overflow-x:auto;">

;alsdkja;lsdkjfa;sldkfja; sldfkja;sdlfkja;sdlfkja;lsdjkfa;lsdkjfa;sl djkfa;lsdkjf;als dkjfa;sldkjf;asldjkfa;lsdkjfa; sldkjf;asldkjf;a lsdkjf;alsdkjf;alsdkjf;alsd kjf;alskdjf;alsdkjf;asldkjf;asldkjfa;sldkfja ;sldkjf;alsdkjf; alsdkjf;alsdkjf;alsdkjf;al sdkjf;a lsdjkf;alsdkfj</div></li>


<li id="item1"><a onclick="toggle('item1');"><img src="closed.gif" alt="" id="img_item1" border="0"></a>Item 1
                <ul id="ul_item1" class="closed">
                        <li id="item1_1">

<div style="float:left;width: 400px;height:200px;text-align: left;border:1px solid #ccc;overflow-x:auto;">

;alsdkja;lsdkjfa;sldkfja; sldfkja;sdlfkja;sdlfkja;lsdjkfa;lsdkjfa;sl djkfa;lsdkjf;als dkjfa;sldkjf;asldjkfa;lsdkjfa; sldkjf;asldkjf;a lsdkjf;alsdkjf;alsdkjf;alsd kjf;alskdjf;alsdkjf;asldkjf;asldkjfa;sldkfja ;sldkjf;alsdkjf; alsdkjf;alsdkjf;alsdkjf;al sdkjf;a lsdjkf;alsdkfj</div></li>

<li id="item1"><a onclick="toggle('item1');"><img src="closed.gif" alt="" id="img_item1" border="0"></a>Item 1
                <ul id="ul_item1" class="closed">
                        <li id="item1_1">

<div style="float:left;width: 400px;height:200px;text-align: left;border:1px solid #ccc;overflow-x:auto;">

;alsdkja;lsdkjfa;sldkfja; sldfkja;sdlfkja;sdlfkja;lsdjkfa;lsdkjfa;sl djkfa;lsdkjf;als dkjfa;sldkjf;asldjkfa;lsdkjfa; sldkjf;asldkjf;a lsdkjf;alsdkjf;alsdkjf;alsd kjf;alskdjf;alsdkjf;asldkjf;asldkjfa;sldkfja ;sldkjf;alsdkjf; alsdkjf;alsdkjf;alsdkjf;al sdkjf;a lsdjkf;alsdkfj</div></li>



I have read and read online and can't find WHY I am having the behavior I am. So it's like there is something about Blocks that I don't understand.

I am guessing it is something easy,

Is there some kind of "clear" command I am supposed to use?

thanks for the help

Mark Weiss

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Mark Weiss

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Mark Weiss


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