I believe you can also exclude by extension.

Robert Garcia
President - BigHead Technology
VP Application Development - eventpix.com
13653 West Park Dr
Magalia, Ca 95954
ph: 530.645.4040 x222 fax: 530.645.4040
http://bighead.net/ - http://eventpix.com/

On May 21, 2008, at 9:44 AM, Michael Heth wrote:

On May 21, 2008, at 5:28 AM, Tom Ferguson wrote:

I'm familiar how to block Bots from indexing webpages by using the Robots
Meta tag.

Is there a similar way to block PDFs from being indexed?


Thomas Ferguson
Vice Presiden

put them is a directory and exclude that directory in the robots.txt file.


Michael Heth

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