Are you looking for INSERT... SELECT scope_identity() ??

That is a MS SQL function, MySQL has something similar "LAST_INSERT_ID()",
but you must make it on the same connection to make sure you actually get
the ID of the last row inserted.

Google these terms and see what you get.

Basically, the idea is to INSERT, then get the ID of the last insert, so
that you can then UPDATE other fields.

I tend to always set a UUID (one that I pass in the INSERT), so that I can
then get the record back with that UUID, should I need to get the actual ID
(or other auto-enter SQL columns).
Beverly Voth                       Tier3 Data & Web Services Group, LLC

               Web Design & Hosting * Apple: ACN & ADC
   Certified FileMaker 7 & 9 Developer * FileMaker Business Alliance
    Coldfusion, Witango, PHP, MS SQL, MySQL, FMP, XML/XSLT, CSS
   Over 14 years experience integrating databases and the internet!

On 06/02/08 7:18 PM, "Dan Stein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in whole or in part:

> I am new to using MYSQL usually use MSSQL.
> I have a table called record
> pk is record_uid (auto increments)
> there is a column called record_uid_hash
> this is a MD5 of record_uid
> I want to create a trigger so when a new record is created the MD5 of
> the record_uid is entered into the row.
> MD5(record_uid)
> I can't seem to get the syntax correct.
> I use NAVACAT to admin the DB I am getting a message saying no such
> trigger.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Dan


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