What I do is import the file in a two step process. I first replace "," with char(9) (tab). This is because well formed CSV files have all fields set up as "field value","field value" etc. The tabs then become my field separators. Any commas within a field value don't cause any problems anymore. I also have to do a little clean up to get rid of the left over double
quotes at the beginning and end of each line.


At 08:26 AM 7/7/2008, you wrote:
Yeah, many times. If it is a well formed CSV file all you need to do is read the CSV file using a file action and assign the file to a variable. Tokenize that variable using the comma as the separator character (with all of the attending issues this brings about) and you have a Witango array ready for processing.

Problems happen when the same number of columns are not in every row of the CSV file. I also prefer tab delimited files instead of comma separated because there is less chance that someone has placed a comma in a numeric field or an address field which throws tokenization into a cocked hat.

From: GK [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2008 7:05 AM
To: witango-talk@witango.com
Subject: Witango-Talk: import excel

Hi. Has anyone implemented an import of an excel or csv file with witango.


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