You need to "lipo" Apache, etc. Here are instructions (again) ...

Note that this works for both Server and Client, but the absolute addresses given here are for CLIENT. You need to ensure that you are using the right addresses for SERVER.

WitangoServer for Intel Macs requires Apache 2.2+, but Leopard uses Apache 2.2.6+ and that version does not support the Witango module, which is designed for earlier versions of 2.2. Furthermore, I couldn't get earlier 2.2 versions of Apache to run on Leopard.

(Stole some ideas from and then modified as needed for Witango)

The problem was that I was getting a "module" error, and an indication that it needed to be re-worked - apparently for 64-bit. ... this method strips 64-bit-ness from Apache 2.2.6

1] Workaround for 64 bit ***server note: be sure that httpd is IN / usr/sbin - might have a different location ***

        cd /usr/sbin

        sudo cp httpd httpd-fat    <=== (creates httpd backup)
        sudo lipo httpd -thin i386 -output httpd

Quote from website above:

"After making a backup of the httpd executable for safety purposes, the lipo commands sucks out all of the architectures included in the universal binary except the 32-bit Intel one (specified by “i386″). Apache can’t run as 64-bit if it doesn’t have a 64-bit binary!"

Note from DEG: I presume this would also (??) work for PPC machines, but a different code (possibly PPC or ppc) would need to be substituted for the i386 in the "lipo" command above.

2] Install

Create the witango user

Then install WitangoServer. Get usual install error (caused by Apache in wrong location ... see below)

3] Workaround for non-standard location of Apache in Leopard (/etc/ apache2) *** Fix as needed for server ***

In Terminal -->

sudo cp /Applications/WitangoServer/5.5/install/Plug-Ins/ /usr/libexec/apache2/

(copies module to the right place for Apache2 to see it)
note, no line break should be in the line above, even if there appears to be one after going through email

Create backup of /etc/apache2/httpd.conf

        cd /etc/apache2
        sudo cp httpd.conf  httpd-back.conf
cp httpd.conf /Users/<your user name>/httpd.conf <=== I prefer editing outside of the /etc directory. This is the copy I can fool with

Edit httpd.conf, adding THIS edited information instead of the provided (to account for new location for modules)

I just added this as the last part of the httpd.conf file

# This loads the Witango 5.5 client for Apache 2.2 to enable
# communication with the Witango Application Server
LoadModule WitangoModule libexec/apache2/
AddType application/witango-application-file taf tml thtml tcf wws

If you wish, change httpd.conf for location of web pages. In my case I just deleted the Library/WebServer directory and aliased in my working one, which is on an entirely different partition.

sudo cp /Users/<your user name>/httpd.conf /etc/apache2/httpd.conf <=== Returns the edited copy to /etc/apache2

BTW, copy over old WitangoServer/5.5/configuration files from Tiger config for WitangoServer, for quickest switchover.

4] Workaround for starting up WitangoServer due to incomplete installer script ---

Witango startup unlikely to work, so I didn't bother with that (I am on a development server, so I am not concerned with automatic startups) However, we now use a script startup for our servers to ensure automatic startups. Let us know if you need that ...

In Terminal  --->

        cd /Applications/WitangoServer/5.5
        ./witangod -uo

5] If you get an error message for clients.ini

Change permissions (and path to permissions) so that these are wide open (because I wasn't sure who the "owner" was for the http process - system? wheel? root?) This is NOT the best solution, but it was good for checking that there was ANY situation in which I could start up. The more experienced among you can tackle that.

Start up Apache webserver using Preferences --> Sharing ---> Web sharing. If you had already started it, shut it down, restart. Start up WitangoServer as indicated above. (Note that if this start up of the Web sharing process "hangs", it means that you've done something wrong with the httpd.conf file - check the console application to find out where the problem was.)

This looks complicated, but it took far longer for me to tweak around and test at each point get it running. If you follow this (AND if I didn't leave some critical bit out), it should take you less than 5 minutes to get the Witango Server running.

and, lastly, be sure to put your JDBC drivers here, if you're running JDBC.


On [Oct 18 -2008 ], at 12:12 PM, Jon van der Raadt wrote:

Has someone seen this problem? Is there a fix? Witango 5.509 Apache 2.2.8 Max OSX Server 10.5.5

10/5/08 5:31:35 PM org.apache.httpd[973] httpd: Syntax error on line 1459 of /private/etc/apache2/httpd.conf: Cannot load /usr/libexec/ apache2/ into server: dlopen(/usr/libexec/ apache2/, 10): no suitable image found. Did find:\n\t/usr/libexec/apache2/ mach-o, but wrong architecture

Thanks in advance

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