Hi Anthony,

Another option would be to use an autocompleter. Make the city field a text input, but as the user starts typing a little list of possible entries appears below the text input. The user can either mouse click on one or use arrow keys to select one. The list of possible entries is pulled dynamically using ajax.

I've used this one from scriptaculous. Works great. All of the instructions are here:


Hope this helps.

Brian Humes
Director, Interactive
269-428-9257 (direct)
269-428-3377 (main)
269-428-3312 (fax)

On Nov 10, 2009, at 11:20 AM, Anthony Humphreys wrote:

Hi all,

We had a problem where people were putting in inaccurate information for the "city." We solved that problem by using some javascript and limiting the choice of cities by using a pull-down. The list of cities is limited by the choice of province.

This introduced a new problem, the page took a very long time to load as the sript and array of cities was being loaded by the browser. We solved this by moving the JS script and the JS city array (city list) into an external JS file which is loaded after the form is pushed to the browser. Now the form sppears to load very quickly, as the script/array loads after the browser has already rendered the form.

However, this introduces a new problem: the form can changed by the user before all the scripts/arrays have loaded.

I seem to have a few options avaialable to me to solve this, but I was wondering how you have solved this dilemma.

Option One: Disable the province/city pulldowns until the all the scripts/arrays load. Option two: Only populate the province pulldown with the current province; load the rest of the provinces with the whole province list only when all the scripts/arrays are loaded Option three: Save the initial state of the pulldowns; once all of the script/arrays are loaded compare the intial state against the current state of the form and make the appropriate updates. Other options: Other strategies you have used but that I've not listed.


Anthony -

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