I am having a bit of a problem. I noticed that when I create a variable and
load that variable into an HTML text form input, the MAXLENGTH attribute is
ignored. It seems that if you set the input field to MAXLENGTH=5, you cannot
type more then 5 characters into the field, however, when loading a variable
into the field, the MAXLENGTH is ignored. Mmmmm...

The values I am loading into the input form are from an array. Seems it
would be simple enough, but I cannot seem to get it to work. Currently, I
have something like this (using just on column for clarity sake).

<@ASSIGN NAME="initValue" VALUE="<@VAR text11>"> 
<@ASSIGN NAME="array2" VALUE="<@ARRAY VALUE=@@initValue CDELIM=','
<@ASSIGN promoid<@CURROW> '<@VAR array2[<@CURROW>,1]>'>

I tried changing the promoid to

<@ASSIGN promoid<@CURROW> '<@LEFT STR="<@VAR array2[<@CURROW>,1]>"

But I get no love. Am I missing something here? I just want to be able to
limit the number of characters to 3. Yes, I can use this on the form page,
but was interested in a more elegant way of doing this.

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