On that note, don't forget to turn on Application and Include file
caching in the witango server.  Years ago, with simple .taf based
development, we got along for a while without that turned on.  Our CMS
has grown so much that I don't know how we ever operated without it.

On the subject of Standard vs. Professional.  I would most definitly
say that Pro is worth it.  In fact, there is no such thing as a
non-pro server anymore anyway.  The new pricing lowered the price of
the pro server to about what a standard was, if i remember right.

Anyway, I like pro, because I can have 4 app servers running on
physical hardware, and if one crashes, everything just keeps moving
along.  But I also run multiple servers in a cluster so I have
hardware redundancy as well.  If Standard is truly using only "some"
of the CPUs then pro should get you some more simultaneous users out
of that server...

good luck.


On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 4:35 PM, Robert Garcia <wita...@bighead.net> wrote:
> My personal opinion, with the cost of licenses and the way witango performs 
> is to us multiple single processor servers in a load group.
> Also, witango suffers very heavily due to its lack of page caching, or output 
> data caching. Every modern app server should have this. We no longer use 
> witango in any large enterprise type installation, but when we did we wrote 
> our own output data caching mechanism in witango, and it allowed us to get 
> the 3-4x the level of performance out of the systems, since we could cache 
> output from certain pages for certain periods of time. For instance, lets say 
> you have a page that displays product data that has a lot of expensive 
> processes within that looks up data and parses into special displays and 
> such. So one taf, but many products, and the page is expensive, however it 
> may only get updated 3-4x per day. So we used our cache system to cache the 
> output based on the ?sku= argument and the time to live for hte cache was 2 
> hours. So the cache was only built for each page on the first hit, and stored 
> for 2 hours. So for 2 hours this page was not read from the DB and witango 
> processes, but read from a cached output from disk. It worked extremely well 
> and works like similar mechanisms used in PHP (ZF) and other languages. You 
> can keep spending money on licenses but this type of caching mechanism can 
> increase performance exponentially if deployed correctly.
> Who knows, maybe something like that will come in witango 7, in 2013 or so. 
> Either way, it is possible to write your own in witango, and it does work.
> --
> Robert Garcia
> President - BigHead Technology
> VP Application Development - eventpix.com
> 13653 West Park Dr
> Magalia, Ca 95954
> ph: 530.645.4040 x222 fax: 530.645.4040
> rgar...@bighead.net - rgar...@eventpix.com
> http://bighead.net/ - http://eventpix.com/
> On Feb 23, 2010, at 1:33 PM, Bill Downall wrote:
>> Can anyone share experiences with moving from Standard to Professional, to 
>> take advantage of processors two, three and four? I have two servers that 
>> are getting more traffic that ever before, and slower responses. One is 
>> losing it's database connection every time there are are large number of 
>> users connected. There will still be only one data source that will have to 
>> be shared by multiple instances of Witango (5.5).
>> Is it worth the upgrade price to try to goose performance and stability?
>> Thanks.
>> Bill
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