
I am trying to convert some method actions to the <@callmethod> tag with
parameters but I cannot get the results into a variable.   The
<@callmethod> tag without parameters works fine.


Here is my object creation, query being used and the method call:


OBJECTID="InfoGather.tcf" TYPE="TCF">' SCOPE="domain">

<@ASSIGN NAME="vsqlstatement" VALUE="select * from manager2.dbo.usrnames
with (nolock) where clientid=@@user$vclientid" SCOPE="request">

<@ASSIGN NAME="varrayout" VALUE='<@CALLMETHOD OBJECT="vInfogatherobj"
SCOPE="Domain" METHOD="sqlarray(@@request$vsqlstatement,)"
METHODTYPE="get">' SCOPE="request">


I get an output variable that I did not create: request$__t28=


The method action takes 2 parameters (an input and an output),
@@request$vsqlstatement and @@request$varrayout


The documentation is not to clear.


I've tried

                <@ASSIGN NAME="varrayout" VALUE='<@CALLMETHOD
OBJECT="vInfogatherobj" SCOPE="Domain" METHOD="sqlarray(<@VARPARAM
NAME=vsqlstatement scope=request>)" METHODTYPE="invoke">'



Ted Wolfley 
Lead Internet and Database Programmer
The Ogden Group of Rochester 
phone: (585) 321 1060 x23 
fax: (585) 321 0043 
t...@ogdengroup.com <mailto:t...@ogdengroup.com> 

www.ogdengroup.com <http://www.ogdengroup.com> 

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