

I've found the Witango cron system to be very capable and solid. I use it
extensively; current it loads over 1200 entries.


In the Witango.log on the service where you are running the cron, you should
see the cron call being made at the set time - 30 minutes past each hour. It
should not be hard to verify that.


The next thing that you need to verify is that the service call indeed
access that URL reliably. You need to make sure that you can call that URL
as the user that you have Witango running as and have it successfully
execute on both services correctly.


Also, immediately after you see the [Cron] entry, one of the two servers
should show the execution of the mailtest.taf application. If you aren't
seeing that 100% of the time, then it is case that the Witango service can't
get the call to the web server(s) or the one of the Witango services.


Also note that the cron does not support cookies and will have a 24
character USR. If you are somehow checking for that, your TAF might be


Lastly, I would maybe suggest that you edit your testing Taf to do a simple
write/append to a text file, to remove any other possibilities of problems
in the mailtest.taf





From: John Hotaling [] 
Sent: Friday, February 26, 2010 10:19 AM
Subject: Witango-Talk: cron setup on professional edition



We're trying to move a cron callout to one of our instances on a machine
running Witango professional (V5.5).  We have two instances of Witango
running on the machine so we edited one stanza of the Witango.ini to call a
test cron file.  According to the Witango events log the cron is being read
in/parsed upon Witango startup.  Note that the cron.txt file does reside on
another machine within the network which is also our file server containing
our Witango code.


The cron entry is called once an hour.  However, the callout only executes
(writes to a test table and sends email) occasionally and without any
detectable pattern (we've been running this for a few weeks and I'm just now
getting back to investigating it).  The Witango log file shows the cron
being called once an hour as expected based on the following cron entry:


30      *        *        *        *        http://[URL]/mailtest1.taf


The log file shows the following when "unsuccessful":


25/02/2010    15:30:23                                    0
[Cron] Sent http://[URL]:/mailtest.taf


I've viewed logging at level 2 and 4 and don't see any other details.  It
may actually execute 1-3 times a day on some days, not execute on others,
different times on different days..very odd.  We also added an entry in the
hosts file with no luck.


Any suggestions on how to fix/troubleshoot are appreciated.






John Hotaling <>  





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