I am using the following to download images. Per Robert's suggestion, I am
going to parse the detailedresponse to check a few things.

<@assign request$URLContents '<@dom <@url location="<@var request$Image>"
waitforresults="true" detailedresponse="true" maxresultsize="128K">>'>

I put together the following to parse the xml. I was thinking that by
checking the Status Code and making sure it was 200 that that would indicate
the download was successful. Am I correct in assuming this?

In the event I am not provided with the complete file name, I want to check
the "Content-Type" so I can put the proper extension on the file when I save

Is there a better way to accomplish this than the code I put together below?


Steve Fogelson

Internet Commerce Solutions

<@assign request$Status '<@elementname object="request$URLContents"

<@assign request$StatusValues '<@elementvalue object="request$URLContents"

<@for start="1" stop="<@numrows array='request$Status'>">

  <@if "<@var request$Status[<@currow>,1]> = 'CODE'">

    <@assign request$CODE "<@var request$StatusValues[<@currow>,1]>">




<@assign request$Names '<@elementattribute object="request$URLContents"
attribute="NAME" xpath="/HTTP_RESPONSE/*">'>

<@assign request$NameValues '<@elementvalue object="request$URLContents"

<@for start="1" stop="<@numrows array='request$Names'>">

  <@if "<@var request$Names[<@currow>,1]> = 'Content-Type'">

    <@assign request$Content-TypeRow "<@currow>">




<@if "<@var request$Content-TypeRow> > 0">

  <@if "<@var request$NameValues[<@calc '<@var request$Content-TypeRow> +
1'>,1]> = 'image/gif'">

    <@assign request$FileType "gif">

  <@elseif "<@var request$NameValues[<@calc '<@var request$Content-TypeRow>
+ 1'>,1]> = 'image/jpeg'">

    <@assign request$FileType "jpg">

  <@elseif "<@var request$NameValues[<@calc '<@var request$Content-TypeRow>
+ 1'>,1]> = 'image/jpg'">

    <@assign request$FileType "jpg">

  <@elseif "<@var request$NameValues[<@calc '<@var request$Content-TypeRow>
+ 1'>,1]> = 'image/png'">

    <@assign request$FileType "png">




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