
Are you using FileMaker Server or FileMaker Server Advanced (version
 From what I understand, FileMaker Server 11 does not support ODBC/
JDBC connectivity. FileMaker Server Advanced 11 on the other hand, does.

Marc Herman

Op 8-mrt-11, om 08:51 heeft Wayne Irvine het volgende geschreven:

> I'm getting extremely frustrated with this and not sure how much is
> because it is new ground for me and how much is due to bugs and
> incompatibilities between FileMaker and Witango. I can see light at
> the end of the tunnel but it will probably be a train coming. ;)
> I keep going back to square one and going through the steps and
> hitting dead ends everytime. What I intend to do is document my
> steps in detail. Hopefully someone can point out where I am going
> wrong along the way. And this can form a guide for anyone else who
> finds themselves in my predicament.
> This assumes you have installed Apache, Witango Application Server,
> Witango Dev Server, FileMaker Pro and FileMaker Pro Server on the
> same Mac. You must also have placed the file 'fmjdbc.jar' in the
> folder /Library/Java/Extensions of the Mac.
> Step 1 - Build a FileMaker database
> Open FileMaker Pro (single user)
> Create a new FileMaker file. Mine is called 'emails.fp7'.
> Add a couple of fields to it. In this example I am using two text
> fields, 'contactname' and 'contactemail'. No spaces.
> I suspect the default table names might not be allowed by Witango so
> I select File:Manage:Database and rename the table to something
> descriptive (no spaces}. In this example I rename the default table
> 'emailstable'.
> I now go to File:Manage:Security. Here I set up and Account named
> 'witango'  with Password 'password' and assign it Full Access.
> Then go to File:Sharing:FileMaker Network. Turn on sharing, select
> the 'emails.fp7' db, select the 'Specify users by privilege set'
> radio button and click specify. A dialog box appears with a list of
> privilege sets. [Full access] includes the account 'witango'. Check
> this box.
> Repeat the above for File:Sharing:ODBC/JDBC.
> Now close the database file. You are now ready to upload the file to
> FileMaker Pro Server.
> Step 2 - Upload the database to FileMaker Pro Server.
> Copy the database file to the Mac running FileMaker Pro Server.
> Open the admin app. This will have been created on your desktop
> during installation. It will be called 'FMS11-<name of server>.app'.
> On the left hand side should be a list containing Administration and
> Configuration and sub categories. The last option in Configuration
> is 'ODBC/JDBC'. Click this and ensure it is enabled.
> Across the top of the window are 8 icons. The fifth icon looks like
> a FileMaker Pro file with an up arrow. This is the upload database
> icon. Click it.
> The first dialog asks where you would like to place the database.
> Select 'Default Folder' and click 'Add Database' on the right. Now
> locate the FMP file you copied over and click Select. You will see
> the same folder structure with your database under Default Folder
> and a tick next to it. Click Next. A dialog appears with
> 'Automatically open databases after upload' already checked. Click
> Next. you will see a progress bar as your database is uploaded. When
> it is done click Next. An then click Finish.
> In Administration:Databases you will see your database hosted with a
> tick in the Pro column and the ODBC/JDBC column.
> Step 3 - Configure jdbc.ini
> On the Mac running the web server and Witango Application Server you
> need to edit the following file:
> /Applications/Witango Application Server 6/Configuration/jdbc.ini.
> Replace the contents with these:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
> <!DOCTYPE JDBCINI SYSTEM "jdbcini.dtd">
> <JDBCINI Version="0x00010000">
>       <DataSources>
>               <DataSource ID="emails.fp7">
>                       <DSN>emails.fp7</DSN>
>                       <DriverClass>com.filemaker.jdbc.Driver</DriverClass>
>                       <URL>jdbc:filemaker://</URL>
>                       <Properties>
>                               <Property ID="">
>                                       <Name></Name>
>                                       <Value></Value>
>                               </Property>
>                       </Properties>
>               </DataSource>
>       </DataSources>
> Notice the following line:
> <URL>jdbc:filemaker://</URL>
> The IP address is the IP address of the host server. means
> 'this host'.
> Save and close.
> You will now need to restart Witango. Open Terminal (/Applications/
> Utilities/Terminal.app) and enter the following:
> sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/witango.plist
> and press return. It will ask you for the administrators password.
> Once entered it will think for quite a long while then return you
> the terminal prompt. That quits witango.
> Now type:
> sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/witango.plist
> and return. That restarts witango.
> Theoretically Witango is all set up to talk to your database.
> Step 4 - Configure Dev Studio
> Launch Witango Development Studio.
> The first thing to do is to configure the JDBC drivers. Go to Data
> Sources:JDBC Drivers. A dialog will come up listing four driver
> types. We are only interested in the last one, FileMaker v11.3. On
> the right hand side click the corresponding Browse button and locate
> the jdbc.jar file you copied during installation. It should be in
> sudo launchctl unload /Library/Java/Extensions/fmjdbc.jar. Select it
> and click Open. Close the dialog box.
> Step 5 - Load the datasource
> In the Dev Studio window, running up the left hand side are four
> buttons. Click on Database. You will see two options: JDBC and ODBC.
> Right click on JDBC and select New Datasource from the menu. A
> dialog appears.
> In the first cell enter a suitable name. I used 'emailsDSN'.
> The next cell is a drop down with only one options. Select
> 'FileMaker v11.3'.
> Next is URL. Enter 'jdbc:filemaker://' without
> the quotes. Once again, the IP address is the IP address of the
> server.
> Careful not to TAB to Properties. The software will hang and you
> will have to force quit and start again.
> Ignore the Properties.
> In the Username field enter 'witango'. No quotes.
> In Password enter 'password'. No quotes.
> The check box for 'Ask each time' becomes active. Uncheck this.
> Click 'OK'.
> A new item should appear below JDBC called 'emails'. Double click on
> it. It might ask you to enter the Username and Password.
> A dialog should appear asking which table from the database should
> be used. Under the list of available table should only be one:
> emailstable. Click on this and then click the 'To >>' button. It
> will be moved across to the 'Tables to Use:' column. Click 'OK'.
> A new item should appear below the datasource 'emailsDSN'. It should
> be a table called 'emailstable'. Next to it is an arrow. If you
> click the arrow it expands and shows the fields in the table emails.
> These should be ROWID (the index field) and the two fields you
> defined so many steps ago; contactname and contactemail.
> You are no ready to start coding!
> Step 6 - Creating a TAF.
> Select File:New:New Application File.
> Drag the New Record Builder from the Actions Palette.
> Drag the fields: contactname and contactemail across.
> Click the Build Actions button.
> Save the file to your webserver.
> Step 7 - Time for disappointment.
> Open a web browser and enter the address of your TAF in the address
> bar. Press return,
> You see a form with two fields; contactname and contactemail. Put a
> name in the first field and an email in the second one. Press return.
> Get an error message:
> Unable to connect to the specified data source.
> Verify that data source is properly configured and that database
> server is online.
> Hopefully with a bit of refinement this tutorial will end a little
> better than this.
> Wayne Irvine
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