I need to use Wt::WApplication from a standalone function:

In Configuration.C in need to change docRoot based on the URL (see 

void Configuration::readOptions(const po::variables_map& vm)
  if (vm.count("docroot"))
    docRoot_ = vm["docroot"].as<std::string>();

 std::string myCDR;
 // Get host Name
 // const Wt::WEnvironment& env = new Wt::WEnvironment(); // is protected, so 
you can not do this
 Wt::WApplication *app = new Wt::WApplication(env);
 Wt::WApplication *app = Wt::WApplication::instance();

both of these cause segment fault
did not really get this far, since it crashed before even getting here

 MyApplication* myapp = boost::polymorphic_downcast(app);

I want to change the docRoot based on the URL
 std::string domainName = app->environment().hostName().c_str();
 // Remove Port if it exist
 unsigned pos = domainName.find(":");
 if (pos > 0)
   domainName = domainName.substr(0, pos);
 // Now do a look up
 if (!Wt::WApplication::readConfigurationProperty("customDocRoot-" + 
domainName, myCDR))
     Wt::log("error") << "WApplication::docRoot() readConfigurationProperty not 
found customDocRoot-" << domainName << " in wt_config.xml";
 if (!myCDR.empty())
   docRoot_ = myCDR.c_str();

Since all I really need is a way to get the domainName and read from wt_config, 
there might be other options.

Another example I never got to work is here
In BlogRSSFeed.C constructor, I need to change the messageResourceBundle, ever 
attempt I make crashes with segment fault:
  const Wt::WEnvironment& env = Wt::WApplication::instance()->environment(); // 
segment fault WEnvironment& WApplication::env()
  Wt::WApplication *app = new Wt::WApplication(env);
  Wt::WApplication* app = Wt::WApplication::instance(); // segment fault

  Wt::WApplication::UpdateLock lock(app);  // Wt::WApplication::instance() ~ 
segment fault in UpdateLock: impl_ = new UpdateLockImpl(app);
  if (lock) {
        app->messageResourceBundle().use(myDomainPath[domainName] + 
"app_root/ww-home", false);

I actually thought that maybe I could something like this:
server.addResource(&rssFeed, "/" + rootPrefix + "en/blog/feed/");
server.addResource(&rssFeed, "/" + rootPrefix + "cn/blog/feed/");
server.addResource(&rssFeed, "/" + rootPrefix + "ru/blog/feed/");
then just change the links in the app, or use a cookie to read what language it 
is, not sure what is best, 
cookies are not so good, but I need a way to know what language they want, 
which is not necessarily the default browsers language.

I am sure that there is a way to do this, Boris gave me a good description of 
how to go about doing this, 
but he is making me feel stupid, because ever way I try it, it still crashes.

I am stuck, and I really need to find a way to do this, I need an example that 
does not produce a segment fault in these functions,
everyone says its easy, no problem just do this, well all I get is crashes, I 
am sure once I see the right way of doing it,
it will then click in, but until then, I am stuck.

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