Yeah, that’s a good point.  We try to wrap all the handles in a “using” call but I expect there are some Record handles that are not disposed of directly.  I wonder if we should work through the code and make sure everything is disposed of explicitly.


1.  Just look on the release share and you’ll see the latest build.  It’s something like 4604.


2.  Okay.


3.  If this only happened once then I’m not going to stress about it too much.  However, I would greatly appreciate if you could open a bug to track this issue and if more people hit we can up the priority of hunting for the fix.


4.  If you hit this again, I’d be very much interested to hear about it... add a comment to the bug to make sure we can track to see how often this hits.


From: Ilya Kleyman
Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2006 15:31
To: Ilya Kleyman; Rob Mensching;
Subject: RE: [WiX-users] Access violation in light.exe (v2.0.4005.0)




MSDN documentation for MsiCloseHandle at says that the function must be called from the same thread that requested creation of the handle. Given that the below call-stack is that of a finalizer called into by .NET GC, it is not clear how this requirement can be satisfied by managed code, which does not know what thread GC will use to call.


Just a random shot.




From: Ilya Kleyman
Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2006 11:05 AM
To: Rob Mensching;
Subject: RE: [WiX-users] Access violation in light.exe (v2.0.4005.0)


  1. What is the most recent WIX build?
  2. We run against released .NET 2.0 CLR (Whidbey build v2.0.50727)
  3. This happened only once so far. We’ve been using WIX for more than a year. Last time we upgraded was in April this year, to v2.0.4005.0
  4. I don’t know how to get this to repro under debugger. We don’t know how to repro it at all – seems like a one-off random issue.


Don’t know whether it is relevant or not, but examining the part of the build log that is immediately preceding the crash, I see that build-thread 102 was calling into candle.exe (in the previous e-mail I had dots in the place where this was happening). Here is the updated part of the log:



. . .

102>        tools\wixcop.exe -nologo -f -indent:4 CCCCCC.wxs

102>        tools\candle.exe -nologo -wx -IDIR1 -IDIR2 -DVAR1=”VAL1" -dVAR2="VAL2" -dMSI_COMPRESSION_LEVEL=high -out DDDD.wixobj –dVAR3=”VAL3" CCCCCC.wxs

101>Laying out media.

101>Moving file ‘. . . \b4fepmve\YYYY.msi' to   ‘. . . YYYY.msi’.

101>Copying file ‘. . . \DIR1\ABCDEF.sys' to ‘. . .\DIR2\ABCDEF.sys'.

. . .


101>Unhandled Exception: System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.

101>   at Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.Msi.Interop.MsiInterop.MsiCloseHandle(IntPtr database)

101>   at Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.Msi.MsiHandle.Close()

101>   at Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.Msi.MsiHandle.Dispose(Boolean disposing)

101>   at Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.Msi.MsiHandle.Finalize()

102>   CCCCCC.wxs

102>        tools\candle.exe -nologo -wx -IDIR1 -IDIR2 -dVAR1="VAL1" -dVAR2="VAL2" -dMSI_COMPRESSION_LEVEL=high -out EEEE.wixobj FFFFFF.wxs

102>   FFFFF.wxs

101>NMAKE : fatal error U1077: ‘. . \tools\light.exe' : return code '0xc0000005'



From: Rob Mensching
Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2006 10:01 AM
To: Ilya Kleyman;
Subject: RE: [WiX-users] Access violation in light.exe (v2.0.4005.0)


You could try moving to a more recent build.  There were some minor fixes but nothing that I think will actually fix this.  I’m a bit at a loss on how to even go about debugging this.  What version of the CLR are you running?  I wonder if maybe there is a double Dispose() in the code somehow. 


Does this happen often?  Is there a way to get a debugger on it?  We could pull the exception handler off of light.exe to see if we can’t get it to fault into the default debugger on the machine if it repros often.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ilya Kleyman
Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2006 9:34 AM
Subject: [WiX-users] Access violation in light.exe (v2.0.4005.0)




We are seeing the following access violation in light.exe (filever 2.0.4409.0) that seems to have something to do with concurrent invocation of two instances of light.exe. Has anyone seen something similar?


Unhandled Exception: System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.

  at Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.Msi.Interop.MsiInterop.MsiCloseHandle(IntPtr database)

  at Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.Msi.MsiHandle.Close()

  at Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.Msi.MsiHandle.Dispose(Boolean disposing)

  at Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.Msi.MsiHandle.Finalize()


Two build threads simultaneously laying out two different MSIs were working at the time of failure (prefix at the beginning of each line is build-thread index)

Excerpts from the build-log showing the immediate pre-history of the problem is below.

“Stop.” message indicates that the build thread has finished its work. I am omitting non-essential information for clarity.


101>        tools\light.exe -nologo -wx -v0 -out XXXX.msi Xa.wixobj Xb.wixobj Xc.wixobj Z1.wixobj Z2.wixobj sca.wixlib wixca.wixlib

102>        tools\light.exe -nologo -wx -v0 -out YYYY.msi Ya.wixobj Yb.wixobj Yc.wixobj Z1.wixobj Z2.wixobj sca.wixlib wixca.wixlib 102>Updating file information.

101>Updating file information.

102>Generating database.

102>Merging modules.

101>Generating database.

101>Merging modules.

102>Processing media information.

102>Cabbing file

. . . . <68 files>

101>Processing media information.

101>Cabbing file Y0001.bbb

. . . . <149 files>

102>Importing streams.

102>Importing binary stream from X0001.ccc

. . . . <12 streams, icons, cabs>

101>Importing streams.

101>Importing binary stream from Y0001.ddd

. . . . <15 streams, icons, cabs>

102>Laying out media.

102>Moving file  ‘. . . .\txxd3s8j\XXXX.msi' to  ‘ . . . XXXXX.msi'.

. . .


. . . .

101>Laying out media.

101>Moving file ‘. . . \b4fepmve\YYYY.msi' to   ‘. . . YYYY.msi’.

101>Copying file ‘. . . \DIR1\ABCDEF.sys' to ‘. . .\DIR2\ABCDEF.sys'.

. . .


101>Unhandled Exception: System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.

101>   at Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.Msi.Interop.MsiInterop.MsiCloseHandle(IntPtr database)

101>   at Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.Msi.MsiHandle.Close()

101>   at Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.Msi.MsiHandle.Dispose(Boolean disposing)

101>   at Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.Msi.MsiHandle.Finalize()

. . .

101>NMAKE : fatal error U1077: ‘. . \tools\light.exe' : return code '0xc0000005'






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