Richard - You're close...I don't want to be able to change anything at
runtime. What I want is a simple way to define a string variable that
will be used in several placed throughout the source file, and then
reference in some way wherever I need to use it. I'd like to do that so
that, if the value changes, I can just change it in one place, instead
of having to try to remember all of the places in the file that its used
and change them all, and possibly miss some. I liked what you mentioned
with the "define" and "$(...)" syntax. If that syntax is accurate, that
may just be exactly what I was looking for.
// YEX //


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2007 4:16 PM
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Reusable properties?



One thing I'm not sure about... Are you saying that you want to be able
to change the property at runtime? If so, then I think what you are
suggesting may actually break the component rules (you would have the
same component, but multiple different filenames). I'm sure someone else
here can tell me if I'm right about that one!


If what you are actually looking for is the ability to use the same
source file(s) to create different packages, then using $(var.whatever)
is probably a better choice. You can either define the settings for that
type of variable in an include file, or (possibly more appropriately)
with the -D command line parameter.


A quick sample for how something like that may be used would be as


<?define Manufacturer=Some Company?>

<?define Name=Product Name?>

<Wix xmlns="";>

            <Product Id="????????-????-????-????-????????????"
Language="1033" Manufacturer="$(var.Manufacturer)" Name="$(var.Name)"


NOTE: I'm not 100% confident about the <?define ... ?> syntax for string
parameters. You may need to put quote marks around the actual string...
We pass ours in from the command line, using a parameter of the form:


"-dManufacturer=Some Company"


Hope this helps,





[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Yexley,
Robert (LNG-CON)
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2007 2:24 PM
Subject: [WiX-users] Reusable properties?


Hey everyone,


Just getting my feet wet with WiX. I've been working my way through the
documentation and the online tutorial the past few days, but so far I've
not been able to figure out if WiX has the ability to create anything
like a global, reusable property, and if so, how are they applied? For
example, what I would like to do, is create a property whose value can
be referenced from various other places within the installer source file
(.wxs). So, something like the following...


<!-- Declare the property -->

<Property Id="MyApplicationName" Value="My Cool Application" />


<!-- Now reference/use that property -->

<Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="TDir" LongName="TargetDirectory">

    <Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder" Name="PFiles" LongName="Program

        <Directory Id="INSTALLDIR" Name="MyAppDir"






// YEX //


// Bob Yexley

// Contractor / Software Engineer [Extreme Consulting]

// LexisNexis - Risk & Information Analytics Group (RIAG)

// 937.865.6800 ext. 58655





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