No, you'll need to link in with the msi.lib.  At the beginning of your cpp
file, add the following:

#pragma comment(lib,"msi.lib")
#pragma comment(lib,"shlwapi.lib")

That should work.  Those functions that it is trying to call need to be
linked in from the libraries that house them.


 Ok, I finally have access to the machine I need and I'm trying this out.

I tried to build in Visual Studio 03 as a C++ project, and right off the
bat I got some build errors that I don't understand. I'm sure they're pretty
typical, I'm just unfamiliar with VC++.

error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "unsigned int __stdcall
MsiSetPropertyA(unsigned long,char const *,char const *)"
(?MsiSetPropertyA@@[EMAIL PROTECTED])

error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "int __stdcall
PathFileExistsA(char const *)" (?PathFileExistsA@@[EMAIL PROTECTED])

error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "unsigned int __stdcall
MsiGetPropertyA(unsigned long,char const *,char *,unsigned long *)"
(?MsiGetPropertyA@@[EMAIL PROTECTED])

I'd guess it must be something with my setup, because I get the same
errors about the Set and Get methods when I use the tiny CheckPID example

I know not really a WiX issue, but I'd appreciate any advise you had.

*From:* Levi Wilson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*Sent:* Friday, March 16, 2007 8:56 AM
*To:* Rowland, Chris
*Subject:* Re: [WiX-users] verify file existance custom action

Sorry, prematurely sent it.  Here is what I was getting at:

extern "C" UINT __stdcall LocateFile(MSIHANDLE hInstall)
  char* pDirPath = NULL;
  DWORD dw = 0;
  if( ERROR_MORE_DATA!=MsiGetProperty(hInstall,"MYFOLDER",NULL,&dw) )

  dw += strlen("requiredfile.txt") + 1 /* term. NULL */;
  pDirPath = new char[dw];
  pDirPath[0] = '\0';

  if( ERROR_SUCCESS!=MsiGetProperty(hInstall,"MYFOLDER",pDirPath,&dw) ) {
    delete[] pDirPath;

  _ASSERTE( 0!=strlen(pDirPath) );

  if( PathFileExists(pDirPath) ) {
    MsiSetProperty(hInstall,"MYFILEEXISTS",pDirPath);  // Dr. Evil

  delete[] pDirPath;

I believe that something like this would work.


If I look at the log after a completed installation, I can see the
following property values.

Property(S): MYFOLDER = C:\FTP\            #This is the folder I selected
in the dialog


Property(S): MYFILEEXISTS = C:\requiredfile.txt              #this is
where the file was found (MYFOLDER was initialized to 'c:\')

So MYFOLDER did get set, but it seems to happen after the directory search
took place.  Would it be possible to have AppSearch happen sometime in the
UI sequence, or would that break something else?  It looks like by default
It happens very early on.


*From:* Levi Wilson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*Sent:* Thursday, March 15, 2007 4:36 PM

*To:* Rowland, Chris
*Subject:* Re: [WiX-users] verify file existance custom action

Hmmm, I've never used a directory search like that.  So you're saying that
your MYFOLDER property isn't getting set when the directory search is
performed?  I think you probably *will* need to maybe use a custom action
then since I don't think you can dynamically manipulate a directory search,
or tell it when to perform it as I think file searches get executed during
the AppSearch sequence?  I could be wrong, but I don't think you can use the
FileSearch like this.


That actually looks like exactly what I want… much cleaner than my C++

That gives me a followup question, however.  I plugged your suggestion
(with Depth="0") into my dialog I use to browse to the directory that
contains the file.

It appears that the property I'm trying to set to the browsed-to directory
doesn't contain the browsed-to directory when the DirectorySearch is

      <Dialog Id="GetExistingFilesDlg" Width="370" Height="270"
Title="[ProductName] [Setup]" NoMinimize="yes">

        <Control Id="PathEdit" Type="PathEdit" X="84" Y="202" Width="261"
Height="18" Property="MYFOLDER"/>

        <Control Id="Next" Type="PushButton" X="236" Y="243" Width="56"
Height="17" Default="yes" Text="Next">

              <Property Id="MYFILEEXISTS">

                        <DirectorySearch Id="MyDirSearch"
Path="[MYFOLDER]" Depth="0">

                                    <FileSearch Id="MyFileSearch" Name="
requiredfile.txt" />



              <Publish Event="SpawnDialog" Value="InvalidDirDlg">NOT

              <Publish Event="NewDialog"


I initialized MYFOLDER with <Property Id='MYFOLDER' Value='c:\' />

This works if requiredfile.txt is in c:\ (I can see
MYFILEEXISTS=c:\requiredfile.txt in the log)

It doesn't work if I browse to the directory that contains the file (and
of course I remove the file from c:\ )

Thanks for the help so far, this feels like a much better way than what I
was previously attempting.

*From:* Levi Wilson [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
*Sent:* Thursday, March 15, 2007 3:50 PM
*To:* Rowland, Chris
*Subject:* Re: [WiX-users] verify file existance custom action

Can you post your CA C++ code?  Also, you don't need to have a DLL custom
action to check for the existence of a file.  You can do something like this
in your WiX source:

<Property Id="MyFileExists">
  <DirectorySearch Id="MyDirSearch" Path="some path here" Depth="1">
    <FileSearch Id="MyFileSearch" Name="myfile.extension" />

If the file has been found, then the MyFileExists property will be set to
the full path of your file.  Is this what you're looking for?


I read that "managed code" in a custom action is a no-no (please forgive
me if I use the wrong terminology) so I am attempting to write my custom
action without using managed code.  Most examples I find seem to use it,
however, so I'm doing the best I can.

I wrote a simple VC++ app (.exe) that will determine if some files exist.
I probably did it badly, but it worked in that context.

I took the same code, and cut& paste into a VC++ file I had setup to
create my dll.

The code was previously a working snippet that would simply set a msi
property to "true" and return ERROR_SUCCESS.

I am now trying to make it do something useful.

After the cut& paste I got some build errors and followed (somewhat) the
steps listed here to resolve them.

The dll built successfully, but when I run the installer I get error 2896,
"Executing action [2] failed."  That doesn't tell me too much.

I stepped backwards until I had one line that I could comment/uncomment to
make the dll work(return "true")/not work(error 2896)

The one line that causes it to fail (and concequently causes the dll to
double in size) is:

ifstream fin1(filename);

Down the road I was doing 'if (fin1.good())' to see if the file exists
(like I said, probably a bad way, but it was the first thing I did that
seemed to work)

Is attempting to do this fundamentally wrong?

Also, I'm running the installer with /l* but I'm still not getting
anything particularly helpful.  Are there better techniques for debugging?

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