Thank you this was most helpful. Particularly I was unaware of the 'var.'
syntax. Thank you. I will need to do a little more digging to see how I set
the -d preprocessor arguments with msbuild. Thank you.




[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2007 8:36 AM
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Release and debug installations.




I don't know if it's the recommended way (it probably isn't) but here is a
brief description of what we do here:


We happen to use NAnt for our build scripts. You should be able to
accomplish similar results using a batch file, MSBuild or similar.


Our calls to Candle look something like this:


<exec program="${wix.candle.executable}" workingdir=".\InstallationScripts"

    <arg file="InstallationScripts/SomeScript.wxs" />

    <arg value="-dMajorRev=${application.revision.major}" />

    <arg value="-dMinorRev=${application.revision.minor}" />

    <arg value="-dPatchRev=${application.revision.patchlevel}" />

    <arg value="-dBuildRev=${}"
if="${property::exists('')}" />

    <arg value="-dBuildRev=0"
unless="${property::exists('')}" />

    <arg value="-dbuildtype=${BuildType}" />

    <arg value="-dManufacturer=Quixote Traffic Corp" />

    <arg value="-dManufacturer.Short=Quixote" />

" />



In NAnt terminology, ${whatever} represents an item which will be filled in
when the script is executed. As you can see, we are using the -d command
line parameter to pass several variables into candle, among which is the
build type. When Candle runs, those preprocessor variables can be accessed
using $(var.VariableName) and used to populate other elements with the
correct values.


In the wxs file, we have something like this:


<Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">

            <Directory Id="QuixoteCommunicationsFolder" Name=".">

                        <Component Id="SomeComponent" Guid="YOUR_GUID_HERE">

                                    <File Id="SomeFile" Name="SomeFile.dll"
src="..\bin\$(var.buildtype)\SomeLongNamedFile.dll" />


<?if $(var.buildtype) = "Debug" ?>

                        <Component Id="SomeComponentDebug"

                                    <File Id="SomeFilePdb"
Name="SomeFile.pdb" LongName="SomeLongNamedFile.pdb"
src="..\bin\$(var.buildtype)\SomeLongNamedFile.pdb" />






As you can see, the src attribute on the files uses the buildtype variable
(as passed from the command line) to select the correct source folder.


In addition, the preprocessor test (<?if $(var.buildtype) = "Debug" ?>)
allows us to only include the SomeComponentDebug component if we are making
a debug build.


Obviously, there are similar preprocessor tests around other areas to ensure
that the debug components are only included in ComponentGroup's or Feature's
for debug builds. I didn't bother including them because the syntax is


I hope this is helpful to you.







[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin Burton
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2007 11:53 PM
Subject: [WiX-users] Release and debug installations.


I was wondering what the recommended way or even some suggestions on how to
handle building a Release and Debug installation? I have a Wix script that
builds a .msi but it takes its files from bin\debug and it includes .pdb
files that are not present in the release directory(s). I would like to
create an msbuild script that passes "configuration" information to the Wix
candle/light via the .wxs file. My roadblock now is I am not sure how to
translate a "target" in an msbuild project to a "property" that is usable in
the .wxs. I have tried <Condition> but it seems that the property is not
set. Just a simple msbuild project that I could do something like 'msbuild
MyProject.wproj Release' and it would pass the 'Release' target (as a
property I guess) to Wix. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. 


Thank you.




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