  I used tallow to create an xml file and replaced with "Put-Your_GUID" to the 
GUID generated. When I try to execute with candle it is giving me an error 
message as follows:
   fatal error CNDL0031: Data at the root level is invalid". What did I do 
wrong here?. I am attaching that generated file here. Thanks for any help. 
Microsoft (R) Windows Installer Xml Tool version 2.0.4820.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 2003. All rights reserved.

<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2003/01/wi";>
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systems\teams\10.0\DATA\keywords.dat" />
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files\qualtech systems\teams\10.0\DATA\StyleSheets\fonts\ARIALUNI.TTF" />
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files\qualtech systems\teams\10.0\DATA\StyleSheets\fonts\arialuni.xml" />
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src="c:\program files\qualtech 
systems\teams\10.0\DATA\StyleSheets\fonts\userconfig.xml" />
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systems\teams\10.0\DB\TEAMS.MDB" />
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src="c:\program files\qualtech systems\teams\10.0\DB\Teams_old.mdb" />
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systems\teams\10.0\LOG\teams.log" />
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systems\teams\10.0\program\license.dat" />
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systems\teams\10.0\program\TEAMS.GID" />
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systems\teams\10.0\program\teams1.exe" />
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src="c:\program files\qualtech systems\teams\10.0\program\TEAMS_TESTING1.exe" />
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