I've got a rather simple question that is probably due to some obvious
in hindsight error, but I'm totally stymied by it and haven't had any
luck searching for a solution.

I just recently switched from an x86 machine to an x64 machine running
XP x64. I suddenly find that some of the installers I've written don't
compile because they're looking for files in "Program Files" rather
than "Program Files (x86)". In particular the Microsoft VC80 CRT and
MFC merge modules in Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Merge Modules
are being problematic.

I thought for starters I could try using ProgramFilesFolder to see if
that would resolve properly, but I can't get it to work correctly.

I've got the following setup in the relevant wxs file:

<?if ($(var.PLATFORM) = "Win32")?>
  <?define PROGRAMFILESFOLDER = "ProgramFilesFolder"?>

                        <Directory Id="$(var.PROGRAMFILESFOLDER)" Name="PFiles">

So at first I thought it'd try

<Merge Id="CRT" Language="0" src="$(var.PROGRAMFILESFOLDER)\Common
Files\Merge Modules\Microsoft_VC80_CRT_x86.msm"
             DiskId="1" FileCompression="yes" />

However that results in the error:

Error   25      error LGHT0100 : File of type 'Module' with name
'ProgramFilesFolder\Common Files\Merge
Modules\Microsoft_VC80_CRT_x86.msm' could not be found. light.exe

So it's getting resolved to ProgramFilesFolder but not getting any
further. I tried [ProgramFilesFolder] instead, but that didn't work
either. Is there some other variable I should be using or am I going
about this in entirely the wrong way?


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