
My Error Dialog is as follows:

     <Dialog Id ="ErrorDialog" Width="370 " Height=" 100" Title=
"[ProductName]" ErrorDialog ="yes">

       <Control Type ="Text " Width=" 123" Height= "17" X ="20" Y
="10" Id ="text1">

         <Text ><![CDATA[{\VSI_Arial16.0_1_0}Install Unsucessful! ]]></ Text>

       </Control >

       <Control Type ="Text " Width=" 299" Height= "9" X ="10" Y
="30" Id ="text2" Text="The [ProductName] could not be installed." >

       </Control >

       <Control Id ="ErrorText " Type=" Text" X= "10" Y ="42" Width
="351" Height ="22" Disabled="yes" TabSkip="no" >

         <Text ><![CDATA[{\VSI_MS_Sans_Serif13.0_0_0} ]]></ Text>

       </Control >

       <Control Id ="O " Type=" PushButton" X= "278" Y ="70" Width
="50" Height ="21" TabSkip="yes" >

         <Text ><![CDATA[{\VSI_MS_Sans_Serif13.0_0_0}Finish ]]></ Text>

         <Publish Event ="EndDialog " Value=" ErrorOk"><![CDATA[]]></Publish >

       </Control >

     </Dialog >

Although the Pushbutton is place at X=278 and the form is of width
370, it still appears center of the dialog (screenshot attached). How
can I place it at the co-ordinates I want?

Also, the installation starts with the Installing dialog (from
InstallUISequence) and then I get this error dialog
(CA_ErrExcelNotInstalled from InstallExecuteSequence).

How can I sync these two? Now the situation is that I have 2 msiexec
process running on my machine, and when I click "Finish" – for error
dialog, 1 msiexec proc ends, but the other stays, and sometimes I get
a msg saying that an installation is in progress.

I want to execute the custom actions and then if they don't return
error, I want to start with the installing dialog.

I don't want to use launch conditions coz I read somewhere that they
cause issues sometimes.

Installexecutesequence and install UI sequence tags are as follows:

<InstallExecuteSequence >

     <RemoveExistingProducts After ="InstallInitialize " />

     <Custom Action ="CA_ErrNetfx20NotInstalled" Before="AppSearch
"><![CDATA[NOT NETFX20INSTALLED AND NOT Installed ]]></Custom>

     <Custom Action ="CA_ErrExcelNotInstalled"
After="CA_ErrNetfx20NotInstalled "><![CDATA[NOT EXCELINSTALLED AND NOT
Installed ]]></Custom>

Installed ]]></Custom>

     <Custom Action ="DIRCA_TARGETDIR" After="ValidateProductID
"><![CDATA[TARGETDIR="" ]]></Custom>

     <Custom Action ="_31B4161E_1E1D_4118_A9E2_86C9C0C0552F " After="

   </InstallExecuteSequence >

     <InstallUISequence >

       <Custom Action ="ERRCA_UIANDADVERTISED" Before="AppSearch
"><![CDATA[ProductState=1]]></ Custom>

       <Custom Action ="VSDCA_FolderForm_AllUsers"
After="IsolateComponents "><![CDATA[Installed="" AND NOT RESUME AND
ALLUSERS=1 ]]></Custom>

       <Show Dialog ="UserExitForm" OnExit="cancel " />

       <Custom Action ="DIRCA_TARGETDIR" After="ValidateProductID
"><![CDATA[TARGETDIR="" ]]></Custom>

       <Show Dialog ="Complete" OnExit="success" />

       <Show Dialog ="Installing" After="CostFinalize
"><![CDATA[Installed="" AND NOT RESUME ]]></Show>

       <Custom Action ="GEN_XLS_PATH" After="CostFinalize " />

     </InstallUISequence >


<<attachment: image001.jpg>>

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