I am trying to use Votive and Visual Studio to build my WiX
Steup project, but to be able to add User Interface, I need to add
parameters to light. For example:


        light.exe -out SampleWixUI.msi SampleWixUI.wixobj
path\wixui.wixlib -loc path\WixUI_en-us.wxl


        However, the light settings in project file in VS does not let
me add any new parameter. Does anybody know how I can build my setup
project with VS? 



I don't think you can add the reference to WixUIExtension.dll from
within Votive, so you need to modify the wixproj manually and add an
item like this:


            <WixExtension Include="$(WixDir)\bin\WixUIExtension.dll" />

I've defined an environment variable called WixDir to make my file
portable rather than put in an absolute path, but there might be a
better way.




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