Also my Icon has the follwoing definition:

  <Icon Id="teams.exe" 


>  -----Original Message-----
> From:         Venkatesh Malepati  
> Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2007 5:13 PM
> To:   ''
> Subject:      How to correct ICE19 and ICE50 errors in .MSI package
> Hi
> I am trying to test my .MSI with ORCA and I am getting the following error 
> messages:
> ICE19: Shortcut 'startmenuTeamsDesigner10Uni' advertises component:' 
> Component24': This component cannot be advertised because the keypath type 
> disallowed 
>  ICE50:Component 24 has an advertised shortcut,but the keypath cannot be 
> found.
> My shortcut has the follwing code in wix file:
> <File Id="file934" Name="teams.exe" 
> src="C:\luntbuild\work\TEAMS-10.0\teams\release\program\teams-unicode\teams.exe"
>  Vital="yes">
>                     <Shortcut Id="startmenuTeamsDesigner10Uni" 
> Directory="ProgramMenuFolder" Name="Teams10" LongName="Teams Designer 10.0" 
> WorkingDirectory="TEAMSDIR" Icon="teams.exe" IconIndex="0" Advertise="yes"/>
>                     <Shortcut Id="desktopTeams10Uni" 
> Directory="DesktopFolder" Name="Teams10" LongName="Teams Designer 10.0" 
> WorkingDirectory="TEAMSDIR" Icon="teams.exe" IconIndex="0" Advertise="yes"/>
> </File>
> If I donot advertise them I am getting these error messages:
> ICE43:Component 'Component24' has non-advertised shortcuts. It should use a 
> registry key under HKCU as its KeyPath.
> I donot want to create path under HKCU as I need to create under HKLM.
> Any solutions for this. Please help. Thanks in advance.
> Regards
> Venkatesh
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