Attached are two files: PackageTree.cs, a custom task that generates an
XML file containing a WiX fragment, and metadata.cs an auxilary class
that handles the GUIDS. The code is still a bit rough around the edges,
but works fine.
A .metadata.xml file is created in every subdirectory to store the GUIDs
that the task creates for each component. You will get warnings for
every file the first time it runs, and then from then on just warnings
when new files are added.
You want something like this in your wixproj file to get it to run and
create a fragment file called "tree.wxs" that contains components for
each file ending in .txt in c:\some\directory. The generated file will
automatically get compiled.

          <Output TaskParameter="OutputFileName" ItemName="Compile" />



        From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Sent: 20 July 2007 13:55
        To: John Hall
        Subject: RE: [WiX-users] How to deploy all the files inside the
folder rather than specifying each files

        Hi John,


        Thanks for your inputs. I appreciate if you could send me sample
code that you have written.


        Thanks again,






        From: John Hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Sent: Friday, July 20, 2007 1:41 PM
        To: Sindhanur, Lingappa (Cognizant)
        Subject: RE: [WiX-users] How to deploy all the files inside the
folder rather than specifying each files



                Hi, I need to specify contents of whole directory needs
to be installed instead specifying each file names. Currently i am using
like mentioned below: lt;Directory Id="AnyDirectory" Name="AnyDirectory"
gt; lt;Component Id="AnyDirComp"
Guid="FE698C55-B139-419e-B8A3-71ECFA2922D5" gt; lt;File Id="first.aspx"
.... /gt; lt;File Id="second.aspx" .../gt; ... ... ... ... ....
lt;/Component gt; lt;/Directory gt; I need to specify all the files.
Problem any file is being added to the directory again i need to add the
file in the wxs source. Is there a to specify the directory instead of
files? Your help will be greatly appreciate. Thanks in advance. 

        Lingappa ,


        I needed to do something like this, so I wrote an msbuild custom
task that automatically generates a .wxs file. It generates a GUID per
component and stores that in an XML configuration file. When it finds a
new file it generates a new GUID and updates its configuration file.


        It's not something that's too hard in C#.




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Attachment: Metadata.cs
Description: Metadata.cs

Attachment: PackageTree.cs
Description: PackageTree.cs

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