On 7/23/07, Bob Arnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  bryan rasmussen wrote:
>  candle.exe -out examples\wixui\TestMinimal.wixobj
> examples\wixui\Testminimal.wxs
> light.exe -out test20070723001.msi
> examples\wixui\TestMinimal.wixobj
>  Your light.exe command also needs to include wixui.wixlib, per the doc:

damn I forgot  that part. Was doing it last week though.
> How to add a WixUI stock dialog set to a product installer
> Assuming you have an existing installer that's functional but just lacking a
> user interface, here are the steps you need to follow to use a WixUI stock
> dialog set:
> Add a UIRef element to your installer source code, using an Id attribute of
> one of the above dialog sets. For example:
>  <Product ...>
>  <UIRef Id="WixUI_InstallDir" />
> </Product>
> Add wixui.wixlib and the appropriate WixUI localization file to your light
> command line. For example: light Mondo.wixobj %WIXUI_PATH%\WixUI.wixlib -loc
> %WIXUI_PATH%\WixUI_en-us.wxl -out Mondo.msi
okay thanks,
Bryan Rasmussen

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