You can do one of two things:


1)      If you're deploying DLLs that you build within your Visual Studio
solution, then you can use the project references to do it. Right mouse
click on your Votive project and click "Add Reference". Then add a Project
Reference to the DLL that you want to deploy. In your wxs file you then
write something like this:

                <File Source="$(var.YourDllProjectName.TargetPath)" />


                When your Votive project builds, it will automatically
detect when projects have been rebuilt and include your new binaries.


2)      You can code this yourself in a similar way:

                <File Source="bin\$(var.Configuration)\DllName.dll" />


                On the Votive property pages, you can then define a compiler
variable like this:



                $(Configuration) is an MSBuild property that gets defined
automatically. When candle.exe runs, the Configuration property will be
defined correctly for you.


Hope this helps,



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Adam Langley
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2007 4:02 PM
Subject: [WiX-users] macro/property for detecting debug/release from Votive


I am using Votive in Visual Studio 2005.

Can anyone tell me how I can configure my WXS file to pick up DLLS to be
deployed (with the <File> tag) from bin\Debug if the build configuration is
set to Debug, and bin\Release if its Release?




-          Adam


Secon NZ Ltd.
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North Shore 0632
New Zealand

Tel.  +64 (0)9 414 4071
Fax. +64 (0)9 414 4072


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