
I'm trying to use wix 3.0 to create a SQLExpress database and run four
scripts to populate it. I get a non-specific error saying that the
database couldn't be created when I try to install. I'm fairly certain
that the error is in the SqlDatabase node, becasue I can comment out
the SqlScript nodes and get the same error.

The SQLExpress instance is set up to use windows authentication, so I
don't have a user node. I can view the instance in the sql express
management console by specifying the server as "localhost\SQLEXPRESS"
(as imitated by the wix code below).

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated; wix 3.0 documentation
on this subject is scarce.

Thanks so much,



      <Binary Id='CreateLogin_Network_Service'
SourceFile='database\1_CreateLogin_Network_Service.sql' />
      <Binary Id='CreateDBSchemas' SourceFile=database\2_CreateDBSchemas.sql' />
      <Binary Id='Add_db_data' SourceFile=database\3_Add_db_data.sql' />
      <Binary Id='Add_Tables_And_Stored_Procs'
SourceFile='database\4_Add_Tables_And_Stored_Procs.sql' />


      <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
        <Directory Id='ProgramFilesFolder' Name='PFiles'>
          <Directory Id="INSTALLDIR" Name="InstallDir">
              <Component Id='SqlComponent'
              <sql:SqlDatabase Id='SqlDatabase' Database='DbName'
Server='localhost\SQLEXPRESS' CreateOnInstall='yes'
ConfirmOverwrite='no' DropOnUninstall='no' ContinueOnError='no'>
                <sql:SqlScript Sequence='1' Id='CreateDB1'
BinaryKey='CreateLogin_Network_Service' ExecuteOnInstall='yes' />
                <sql:SqlScript Sequence='2' Id='CreateDB2'
BinaryKey='CreateDBSchemas' ExecuteOnInstall='yes' />
                <sql:SqlScript Sequence='3' Id='CreateDB3'
BinaryKey='Add_db_data' ExecuteOnInstall='yes' />
                <sql:SqlScript Sequence='4' Id='CreateDB4'
BinaryKey='Add_Tables_And_Stored_Procs' ExecuteOnInstall='yes' />

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