As part of my install I have an unsigned NDIS IM Network driver component:

I am using the following format, with DriverLegacy set to 'yes' because the
driver is unsigned,
DriverForceInstall set to 'yes' because I want to ensure any file left
behind after a previous uninstall
gets overwritten and the KeyPath set to the driver's .sys file, to ensure
that a successsful install means that the driver is definitely in place.

<Directory Id='DriverFolder' Name='TSDriver'>
  <Component Id='TcpseqDriver' Guid='MyGUID'
    DriverDeleteFiles='no' DriverForceInstall='yes' DriverLegacy='yes'
    DriverPlugAndPlayPrompt='no' DriverAddRemovePrograms='no'>
    <File Id='Driver' Name='tcpseq.sys' DiskId='1' 
      src='windows\tcpseq\objfre_w2k_x86\i386\tcpseq.sys' Vital='yes'
KeyPath='yes' />
    <File Id='TcpseqInf' Name=''tcpseq.inf' DiskId='1'
src='windows\tcpseq\tcpseq.inf' Vital='yes' />

Note: I have to use 2 inf files to install this NDIS IM driver, one for the
miniport stuff, and one for the 
network service stuff, and DIFX doesn't support this, I believe, so I just
copy the miniport inf to the 
Windows/inf folder earlier in the install sequence than when
MsiInstallDrivers needs it there. 

However! I get a number of strange scenarios when installing, and I would
really appreciate any help that 
anyone can give me to avoid these scenarios :

1) During the driver install part I usually get prompted by XP oe Vista as
to whether or not I want to install 
the 'unsafe' drvier. However, sometimes I do not get prompted, but the
driver is installed anyway.

2) During the 'unsafe' driver install part, if I choose NOT to install the
driver, Vista cancels the whole
install process and my sytem is left as if I had never run the install.
However XP goes ahead and completes
the install as if I had chosen to accept the driver.

3) Sometimes after a successful installation, the driver files acts as if
it's corrupted, so that the related 
service is not started properly, and worse, an uninstall (Remove) fails, and
any subsequent install does not 
try to install that particular component.

Help, please!

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