In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  writes:

> Having said that, the scenario which prompted the question may still not
> work exactly as desired - specifically that the dialog which
> *immediately* follows the one showing the feature tree varies based on
> the presence (or otherwise) of a specific feature. Correct operation
> requires that the feature installation state has been updated before the
> user clicks "next", and I am still not convinced this will be the case.
> Would any MSI guru care to comment?

When I've done this, I wasn't using the feature tree control, but
check boxes or radio buttons to select features.  I had AddLocal/Remove
control events on the control to adjust the feature selection, but
since I was using a checkbox or radio button I also had properties
of my own that reflected the feature choice.

If you are requiring MSI 3.0 or later, then the selection tree control
publishes events that can notify you when the feature selection states
change.  You should be able to use the ControlEvent table for the
selection tree to set your own property indicating that a particular
feature has been selected for installation and then use that property
in a condition on your Next button to manage the dialog transition.

I haven't experimented with this, so I don't have specifics on how
this works with a SelectionTree control, but the docs indicate that
the control communicates by setting properties that indicate what the
user did with the control before it processes the ControlEvent table
for that control.
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