Hey guys,

I have a wix project which installs IIS and .Net Framework 2.0 as pre-req's.
In the case of windows 2k3 sp2 the 2.0 framework is already installed buy
IIS may not be installed...so the installer goes ahead and installs IIS and
runs aspnet_regiis /i via the command line to register asp.net with IIS.

After this however I still need to do the following steps in order to allow
the asp.net webservice extensions....

1. open IIS manager (Start -> Run -> inetmgr)
2. open Web Service Extensions
3. Select ASP.NET v1.1.4322 and hit the ALLOW button
4. Select ASP.NET v2.0.50727 and hit the ALLOW button
5. Perform an IIS reset (Start -> Run -> iisreset)

Is there anyway of automating this via wix or some command line method of
doing so?

. Abdullah Ahmed
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