Today the WiX toolset runs on the .NET Framework 1.1 SP1.  The original 
goal in 2004 was to have the WiX toolset work "out of the box" on 
Windows Server 2003 (a very reliable build OS).  These days the .NET 
Framework 2.0 appears to be the framework of choice and I regularly get 
asked, "Why is the WiX toolset still on the 1.1 Framework?"

I believe that my old answer, "The 1.1 Framework is the most prevalent." 
is probably no longer true and that the 2.0 Framework has taken over. 
So, I'm wondering if anyone has an real objections to me moving the 
minimum requirement to run the WiX toolset binaries from .NET Framework 
1.1 SP1 to .NET Framework 2.0.

I would like to note that a number of tools (Votive, ClickThrough, a 
couple of the extensions) already require the .NET Framework 2.0 so I'm 
only really asking about the core toolset.

Why is this interesting? Well, I'm told the 2.0 Framework has improved 
the XML performance. I would like to run some tests to see if that is 
true but don't want to spend a lot of time investigating that if there 
is an number of you out there that still need the core toolset to run on 
the 1.1 Framework.

So, I'm looking for people that require the 1.1 SP1 Framework minimum 
bar to send me your stories. If you already use the 2.0 Framework then 
just delete this email.

Finally, no changes to WiX v2 are being proposed here. the WiX v2 
toolset will remain on 1.1 Framework until either of them reach the end 
of their life. <smile/>

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