

Not sure if you're still working on this, but I've recently been
struggling with the same issues in WiX v3, and have finally got the help
integration working.


On the LGHT0204 errors (sequencing  errors), I had to do the following



                  <InstallFinalize Sequence="7800" />



As per


Also referenced there is the Foreign Key issue.  WiX v3 currently has an
'explicit' foreign key between HelpPlugIn and HelpNamespace, whereas the
Merge Modules only assume a 'logical' foreign key.  Check the
differences between the resulting MSI and the Merge Modules in the
_Validation table entries for the HelpPlugIn table (Orca is probably the
easiest tool to use).


Interestingly, these ICE checks seem to be done on the MSI after it has
been created on disk, i.e. the FK errors don't actually stop the MSI
creation.  If you open the MSI with Orca and run the validation you'll
see the same issues appear.  If you use Orca to modify the entries in
the _Validation table, to match those of the Merge Modules, the errors
will no longer appear.


The ICE82 warnings referring to ProgramFilesFolder.364... will still
appear, but can apparently be ignored.  As can the ICE03 warnings
relating to string overflows.


I'm only new to both building MSIs and using Help2, so I'm far from an
authority on either, just wanted to pass on the little that I had
learned along the way.


Some other notes:


I have a WiX node that looks like  <Wix


And the HelpFile node

<vs:HelpFile Id="someHxSFile" Name="nameAsPerHxtUrl" />


As indicated, the Name attribute must match the Url attribute in the
HelpTOCNode of the HxT file, if not the Table of Contents does not
deploy properly (the help will correctly appear in the dexplore Index
tab though).  I got this wrong initially, novice mistake I'm assuming,
and it took me a LONG time to find what was wrong.  The MSDN help for
HxReg.exe eventually tipped me off to what I'd done wrong.


Then the HelpCollection node looks like 

                <vs:HelpCollection Id="someHxC" Description="some
description" Name="company.title.1033">

            <vs:HelpFileRef Id="someHxSFile" />








HelpCollection Name is using format as per recommendation in

The Attributes attribute is optional, you may not need it depending on
how you've authored the help content.


I'm assuming than an MST file, in conjunction with MSITRAN.EXE, could be
used to correct the ICE03 errors as a post build step (to correct the
_Validation table), but I haven't tried yet.
ista-compliance.html gave me the idea for this.



Whilst it would obviously be nice to get an Error and Warning free
compile done, it appears there is at least a workaround until the WiX
team can get to the issue.


Hope this helps



Shannon Lewis

Systems Architect

Runge Limited
Value through Planning 

Ph: (+61 7) 3100 7274

Fax: (+61 7) 3100 7297 <> 




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