Jose Sanchez Saldana (Excell Data Corporation) wrote:
> Iā€™m attempting to call sed.exe as an embedded binary from an MSI ā€“
> however, it has three dependencies: cygiconv2.dll, cygintl2.dll, and
> cygwin1.dll. Does wix have any mechanism, through custom actions, that
> would allow sed.exe to be called from within the MSI - through the
> <binary> tag ā€“ without having to actually install the various
> dependencies? Thanks.

No. From my experience, I would only recommend static binaries for
custom actions (ie. do not rely on C runtime either).

Just as a side note, cygwin and sed (what you seem to be using) are both
licensed under GPL license hence you are required to provide source code
access to all customers using the software (installer is also software),
including any modifications. Furthermore, the installer would need to be
rebuildable with the modified sed files (if customers wants to do that
for whatever reason) so source code/object code of the wix would need to
be provided as well.

If you are using this for excel installation or something like that, I
would urge you not to use GPLed code or binaries - they are *not*
freeware. Instead, please use BSD licensed software or similar software
that may be considered "freeware" for binary only distributions. I think
there are BSD implementations of sed (though less feature packed than
GNU GPL version)

- Adam

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