I think I have found it, I'm not sure of a nice way to work around it 
though. I've copied some code that launches IE after an install (this is 
an IE only install, so no problem there) but it runs in the context of 
the UI. I'm led to believe that this is where I'm mucking things up. You 
can see from the code snippet below that CA_HelpInstall is the custom 
action to launch IE.

            <Dialog Id="ExitDlg" Title="!(loc.IDS_WIZDLG_CAPTION)" 
X="50" Y="50" Width="370" Height="270">
                <Control Id="Finish" Type="PushButton" X="236" Y="243" 
Width="56" Height="17" Text="!(loc.IDS_BTN_FINISH)" Default="yes" 
                    <Publish Event="DoAction" 
Value="CA_HelpInstall">InstallMode = "Typical" OR InstallMode = 
                    <Publish Event="EndDialog" Value="Return">1</Publish>

Is it possible to move this outside of the UI and is it desirable?



Rob Hamflett wrote:
> If you're doing things via normal MSI methods (which you are, assuming the 
> values are correct) and 
> specifying [EMAIL PROTECTED]"elevated" (are you?), then I'm out of ideas, 
> sorry.
> Aha, hold on.  When you run from the elevated command prompt, the entire 
> installation runs elevated. 
>   This means that the Internet Explorer instance you launch at the end of the 
> installation is also 
> running elevated.  Is this possibly the real problem?  The installation is 
> fine but you need to run 
> IE elevated for it to work?
> Rob
> Ryan O'Neill wrote:
>> The registration of the DLL is handled via RegistryValue elements 
>> wrapped inside Component elements which are then inside three levels of 
>> Directory elements (snippet below). So no custom actions involved for 
>> the registry, I kind of got the impression they were not good. I do have 
>> one however, to launch IE after the install (also shown below). I 
>> upgraded to WiX v3 to see if I could get better error checking, then 
>> cleared any warnings and still the same.
>> This may be relevant, I used InstallAware to create the initial bulk of 
>> the installer but have edited by hand since then.
>>         <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
>>             <Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder" Name="PFiles">
>>                 <Directory Id="INSTALLDIR" Name="OSOYOU Internet 
>> Explorer toolbar">
>>                     <Component Id="C_MainDll" 
>> Guid="{DB020289-44CE-4A4C-9821-C96718B0FF3E}">
>>                         <File Id="FL_IEToolbar.dll" ShortName="IETool" 
>> Name="IEToolbar.dll" 
>> Source="..\IEToolbar\ReleaseUMinDependency\IEToolbar.dll" DiskId="1" 
>> KeyPath="yes" />
>>                         <RegistryKey Root="HKLM" 
>> Key="Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar">
>>                             <RegistryValue Type="string" Value="" />
>>                             <RegistryValue 
>> Name="{FD7DC3F5-F8EA-4F91-9665-4B8661392667}" Type="string" 
>> Value="OSOYOU toolbar" />
>>                         </RegistryKey>
>>                         <RegistryValue Root="HKCR" 
>> Key="CLSID\{FD7DC3F5-F8EA-4F91-9665-4B8661392667}" Value="OSOYOU 
>> toolbar" Type="string" />
>>         <CustomAction Id="CA_HelpInstall" Return="asyncNoWait" 
>> Property="IEXPLORE" ExeCommand="http://www.myurl.com/toolbarhelp"; 
>> Execute="immediate" />
>> Thanks for keeping with me on this Rob, very much appreciated.
>> Regards
>> Ryan
>> Rob Hamflett wrote:
>>> That article is missing a few important bits, as far as my understanding 
>>> goes.  An installer written 
>>> for Vista should be marked as needing elevation, or not needing elevation.  
>>> If it does, you get 
>>> prompted when the installer switches over to the server side, which does 
>>> the actual work.  Microsoft 
>>> knew they would have to cope with a ton of installers that were written 
>>> pre-Vista, so there's code 
>>> in there to elevate anything that looks like an installer.  Basically 
>>> anything called setup.exe, or 
>>> with 'installer' or 'setup' in the description.  That kind of thing, and I 
>>> think MSI files get 
>>> included in there.
>>> Going back to your problem, I get the impression that when you say you run 
>>> it from a command prompt, 
>>> you actually mean you run it from an 'elevated' command prompt.  If this is 
>>> the case, then it sounds 
>>> like the DLL is being registered outside the elevated part of the install.  
>>> Are you using a Custom 
>>> Action to do this, and if so, is it scheduled somewhere between 
>>> InstallInitialize and 
>>> InstallFinalize in the InstallExecuteSequence?
>>> Rob
>>> Ryan O'Neill wrote:
>>>> Been looking into this some more. I've asked the customer to log before 
>>>> and after (nothing yet) but in the meantime they found this article on 
>>>> how to elevate privileges for an MSI ( 
>>>> http://footheory.com/blogs/shane/archive/2007/08/03/vista-and-elevating-security-of-an-msi-to-run-as-administrator.aspx
>>>> ).
>>>> Thats not the ONLY way to do this is it? Is the article author mistaken? 
>>>> I see UAC prompts come up when I run my MSI so I thought it would be OK. 
>>>> I'd hate to have to do a bodge because Vista has a security by obscurity 
>>>> flaw.
>>>> Regards
>>>> Ryan
>>>> Rob Hamflett wrote:
>>>>> The only thing that I can think to cause this would be if the command 
>>>>> prompt was elevated.  Have you 
>>>>> tried logging the installation to see what the differences are?  This 
>>>>> article explains how to turn 
>>>>> on global logging so you can get the logs for the double-click 
>>>>> installation.
>>>>> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/223300
>>>>> Rob
>>>>> Ryan O'Neill wrote:
>>>>>> Ah, sorry, didn't see you there amongst all the spam!
>>>>>> I mean that from a command prompt it installs the Browser Helper Object
>>>>>> DLL just fine, but when run via double clicking it does not. It appears
>>>>>> to work the same but the DLL is not registered properly and does not get
>>>>>> installed into IE. But, this is only on certain systems. I worry that
>>>>>> they are doing something silly which they are not telling me about.
>>>>>> Would the MSI run OK from UNC network share? I think they are doing
>>>>>> this, which is the only major difference in the way I would run anything.
>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>> Ryan
>>>>>> Rob Hamflett wrote:
>>>>>>> You say it runs fine from a command prompt.  How does it normally run?
>>>>>>> Rob
>>>>>>> Ryan O'Neill wrote:
>>>>>>>> Anyone got a clue about this? I can't resolve it.
>>>>>>>> Ryan O'Neill wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>>> I have an installer that works great for all Win platforms, except 
>>>>>>>>> Vista 
>>>>>>>>> where it will fail to register a DLL on specific machines. It runs on 
>>>>>>>>> most Vista installations fine (under admin and limited user accounts 
>>>>>>>>> which prompt for admin access). I did manage to get to a machine that 
>>>>>>>>> exhibited the issue yesterday and after running the MSI from the 
>>>>>>>>> command 
>>>>>>>>> prompt, it installed correctly. I understand what happened there with 
>>>>>>>>> the automatically elevated privileges using the command prompt but I 
>>>>>>>>> can't understand why the normal UAC prompts did not allow the 
>>>>>>>>> installer 
>>>>>>>>> to write the DLL registration to the registry.
>>>>>>>>> I think perhaps the systems it fails on have a policy that is 
>>>>>>>>> disallowing my installer registry writes, but I'm out of ideas.
>>>>>>>>> In testing it has proved to install correctly with;
>>>>>>>>> a) Admin accounts.
>>>>>>>>> b) Non admin accounts.
>>>>>>>>> c) Non default user admin account.
>>>>>>>>> The method I am using to write to the registy is via the usual 
>>>>>>>>> Registry 
>>>>>>>>> tag, as below;
>>>>>>>>>                     <Component Id="C_MainDll" Guid="{XXXXXXXXX}">
>>>>>>>>>                         <Registry Root="HKLM" 
>>>>>>>>> Key="Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar">
>>>>>>>>>                             <Registry Name="{YYYYYYYYYY}" 
>>>>>>>>> Type="string" 
>>>>>>>>> Value="My toolbar" />
>>>>>>>>>                         </Registry>
>>>>>>>>>                         <Registry Root="HKCR" Key="CLSID\{YYYYYY}" 
>>>>>>>>> Value="My toolbar" Type="string" />
>>>>>>>>> Obviously there are many more registry tags as well.
>>>>>>>>> I'm really stuck here, it works on most Vista systems and then the 
>>>>>>>>> remainder it will work after being installed from the command prompt. 
>>>>>>>>> Any help would be very much appreciated.
>>>>>>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>>>>>>> Ryan
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